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Trying to Save Virily ~ Spotlighting Members

Decided to try and spotlight some of the older posts here. Anything to help get views up and hopefully save Virily from disappearing. All we can do is try different ideas and hope for the best.

There are many posts here worth reading, all of them as a matter of fact. But if we all choose a few here and there to share, maybe we can keep the site afloat.

The beautiful photo above is from one of Andria’s posts.

Today I chose Andria Perry and below you will see a few of her posts you may have missed.

Life Did That – Why We Need To Move On

Andria’s first post three years ago:

Old Fashioned Homemade Peach Cobbler

Negative People Why Not Be Happy For Others 

All The Pieces of me

I hope you can take a moment to view some of these post. 

Together we can make a difference.

  • Any ideas on how to keep Virily alive?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Carol DM


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  1. No. I don’t have any ideas about how to keep Virily alive. I do my best by sharing posts via social media. The members already know about this site. But what about external visitors? Some members don’t or won’t share. They don’t see the point. Or I should say, they don’t see the virils.

    There was once a time when we earned virils for external views. But I don’t care about the virils. Won’t social sharing help to keep this site alive? It’s organic traffic and social signals are interpreted by search engines as a positive ranking for a site. If we share with the public and that drives to this site, we will earn because the site will stay alive. So what if we don’t earn for external views from sharing. Consider it a small sacrifice to keep the site up and running.

    I mean … if the website shuts down, both the owners and the members lose out. Right?


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