Since her four year lifespan is up, I am doing some Pris tributes. Once again, I’ve duplicated the naming convention to reduce the chance of confusion. It would be nice to nail down my postwork technique since I am currently working on this piece
Question of
which version do you prefer?
Question of
Can you think of a better title for this piece?
Title your own damn piece, you lazy person!
Question of
Have you seen Blade Runner?
Best. Film. Ever.
Question of
Did you know Pris was born on 2.14.2016?
yep, and I bought her with an online coupon…
I am trying my hardest to think of a title for this
I appreciate the effort you’re making
Great works, I voted for crisp! I am alwful when it comes to choosing titles, so I can’t really help, lol.
that’s okay, not everyone can do it
Again a difficult decision. I chose to be fresh. Pris is fantastic
I am glad you like Pris, she’s a very interesting character
I think of “Are you game”? lol
NIce! Or something like, You Bet Your Life
Ignorance Meets The Planner for the title. !The mannequin pair looks without thought, but the girl looks like she has a plan.
the mannequins are inanimate objects, but Pris definitely had a plan
I know, they look confused, but the planner in the middle knows all, Good title I think.
I will use it for this version
My Manniquens can beat your mannequin up!
Lunch with friends at Tiffany’s!
they DO look they’ve they’ve been in a fight or two
Among all excellent I chose clay
It’s a fun look, isn’t it?
Very … I think it’s a little mischievous
a lot of information gets left out, so the read changes a bit
When I first saw the picture I didn’t know if it was Pris from “Blade Runner’ or Chianna from “Farscape.” I never noticed the similarities before.
I always thought Chianna’s design was pretty derivative…
It is but it had been so long since I’ve seen Blade Runner that I didn’t notice.
Fair enough, but I never go that long without watching Blade Runner…
I went with the clay version since Pris looked very hot in that version.
I can’t tell if you’ve doing a rimshot or not
Pris looked sexier in clay that in the other images.
okay, now I know where you’re coming from
Thank you since I did not quite understand the basketball type comment myself.
Superb work again friend
thank you for taking the time to see my robot friends
Your version looks cleaner than the movie version
think I should grunge it up more?
Oh yeah, sure. It is the little details that make things amazing at times.
I have no problem trying that out
I cannot wait to check it out. I will also be lurking on your page tomorrow.
When I think Bladerunner, I cannot help but think of this scene (
that is the scene which inspired this one
O wow that is so cool
I love the irony of a replicant being forced to dress up like a doll to hide
I’m going to have to try in watched the entire movie. I have only caught that portion of the movie
Accolades to Sebastian’s Pris….. or Alex’s Pris of course.
home again, home again, jiggety-jig…