I would like everyone to observe a moment of silence for Priss, whose four year lifespan has been exceeded. Actually, it hasn’t since there is no Tyrell Corporation and therefore not even a Nexus 1 model just yet. I guess we should mourn the fact that our technology is still lagging behind Blade Runner?
Incept Date
Alex Ledante
12 Votes
Blade RunnercyberpunkdystopianecchifanserviceotakupinupPrissreplicantsexy
the really scary thing is that if we learned how to make replicants, we’d almost certainly treat them the way predicted by PKD
This work of art is going to be one of your best ever.
I wanted to do something nice for Priss
I am sure that Priss is going to be impressed.
one wonders how she would react
That is so true since Priss do not like someone who has both oars in the Atlantic Ocean.
Her eyes are looking through me.
if only you could see what she’s seen with your eyes…