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Tech Wiz, what applications are you using?

I was thinking yesterday as I drove home from the boat, what are the applications I can’t live without. First off I do understand that for most people in and of itself, that is a misnomer. It is also not something most people think about, and I understand that as well. I should probably in asking the initial question clarify further, mobile application, a tablet application, and computer application. Which platform do you use when you are using your favorite application and then, what is your favorite application and what does it do?  That got me thinking even further there are applications we use for entertainment, exercise, and productivity. Based on the three distinct categories there aren’t three top applications that I use. Reality is it is closer to 10. Instead, I am going to publish my top application per platform. I am separating mobile devices into two categories (wearable) and cellular.

Top Application Wearable (on my watch)

  • Low/High Tide application

Top application mobile device

  • Fitbit

Top application tablet

  • Bejeweled (ok yes I am addicted)

Top application PC

  • MS Word

I know the applications in the list, and the platforms int his list have changed. I could add a couple of new platforms (multi-media device) and music/streaming device. I could also add a category for the favorite voice-controlled application. You could even argue that you could add even more categories and we probably will, but for now, the four categories are enough. As part of my newly adopted Tech Wizard robes, I am making this a high-level initial poll. Please feel free to comment on your top applications by the platforms I’ve listed above. If you have a different top platform and application list those in the comments as well!nts! Thanks for contributing to the first Tech Wiz Poll on “where does my favourite application live.

  • Question of

    The platform I use most is

    • mobile Phone
    • Tablet
    • Personal Computer
    • other
  • Question of

    I don’t use applications, ever!

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    I like the Tech Wiz Columns!

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    I like the Tech Wiz idea!

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I use my Pc rather than my phone which I use when I first wake up like now and when I am having my sundowners…
    The ipad I use infrequently I dont really like it ?

  2. Im not keen on using my cell phone if Im in a Drs surgery or waiting room like to use pixelmator and do a drawing. I prefer my computer. I have yet got to learn how to use many applications I already have

    • I suspect the future is going to be all about how do I use the applications. There will be applications that help you use other applications better!

        • Don’t get me wrong, there are times when a cel phone would be quite useful but less than 10% of the time for me. So it would be useless or worse over 90% of the time. Not worth the hassle to me…

          • First of all, you’ve thought about it, which is more than some do. Secondly you know what you want/need so you are in great shape. No one needs to justify how much they do or don’t use technology!

      • Even the mature technologies continue to evolve, so I assume that all the platforms will remain in a transitional space until they become obsolete…

        • Evolve or disappear. Interesting fact about technology and markets, of the original 1950 Fortune 500 companies, 3 are still in business but more than 480 of the products/markets they sold/developed are still in the market.

          • I should think this is a commentary on the competency of corporate leadership and not technology- the tech is still here but the companies are gone…
