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Tech Wiz Seriously the Network as a Service?

One of the things I think about the internet of things space is the reality of what people are connecting. I published an article more than five years ago detailing a concept I called the screen as a service. It fits with the as a service model, centrally managed and offered as an easily connected service. One of the new things that I have heard recently is the network as a service. While I applaud the modernization of networks, I worry that people are missing the boat. The network has been a service for a long time. From free wifi at the airport to free wifi at your local coffee shop the concept of the Network as a service is nothing new when you think about what has been provided for the past few years.

Cellular phones, which were once clunky and had very small range, are now ubiquitous for the most part. You can take your phone anywhere in the world, use it anywhere in the world. You can connect and call using your cellular phone on a wifi network. The network is and acts as a service now. It has been a service for a while. You don’t have to manage your cellular phone. You don’t update your cell phone, other than downloading the update. The concept of as a service is simply managed, provided and well easy to connect to. The last one, easy is a term added specifically for the network as a service. Cloud is a significant transition when considering internal applications. Network, well that is already there and being used.

The modern reality has always been sticking as a service at the end of anything. Donuts as a service, desktop as a service, disk as a service and so on, each of them representing a component of IT services delivered. What companies and government agencies should ask about NaaS (network as a Service) is the same thing that consumers should ask. Can I solve any existing problems moving to this new technology? Does this offer something to me, that I can effectively use to improve the services I consume or deliver? Or, is this simply to use the adage putting lipstick on a pg. Yes, now with lipstick but still a pig The lipstick doesn’t change the entity that is the pig. Networks exist today, they have been a service for a while. If someone tells you, they offer the network as a service, smile, and say thanks for naming something I already have!

  • Question of

    Do you use public wifi like coffee shops, airports and libraries (as well as others)?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Other than way off the beaten path does your cell phone stay connected?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. So interesting article with very deep thoughts on the pressure of modern reality to people!!! Usually don’t use Internet in my trips cause it this prevents me from enjoying them and gaining positive impressions.

    • First, my apologies for using the sexist phrase I used. You are right, lipstick is a beauty aid and I should not have used that phrase.

      And, lol, yes sometimes it would make anyone feel better!