
Tech Wiz on the plethora of USB cables…

One of the things that drive me nuts is USB connections. There are multiple types of connections (1, mini, micro, c and lightning and so on). I have multiple USB cables because you never know which one you will need. There are charging cables, and USB chargers, as hubs. All of this leading to 100’s of connections. Each of the cables includes speed limits and the in theory universal plug and playability. USB cables come in a variety of lengths as well, from 4 inches to 25 or more feet. Plug and play were originally introduced with Windows 95. It wasn’t effective, but it was available. Now, with Mac, Windows 10 and many Linux OS distros you can plug anything in, and for the most part, it will find the right driver.

What worries me is that even though are are far from the days of SCSI, serial, parallel, Appletalk and so on, we still have too many connectors.  Micro- and Mini- USB can be very difficult to seat properly. Lightning and USB-C were designed to be reversible (making them easier to “plug in”). USB 3 was designed to improve the amount of data that could be moved via USB. All of this frankly, to better support the dream that was plug and play now nearly 25 years old. The other issue I have is the number of cables. Because there is USB 1, USB 2, Micro-USB, Mini-USB, USB-C and so on, I have way too many cables. In part because there are devices that use the cables, in part because even if I don’t have devices, I am loathed to throw the cables away.

One of the things I know many people have pushed for, and so far have failed, is one connector to rule them all and on a hub bind them.

The amazing reality is the number of cables. The sad reality is the number of cables. Plus the worst thing for me, I never have the specific cable I need at the time. I ended up creating a cable storage system so that I could grab one quickly. I’ve also ended up getting tri-USB cables. Tri-cables have USB-Mini, Lightning and another connector on them. Sometimes that is all you need!

  • Question of

    Would you prefer having only one type of USB cable?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you have way more USB cables than you need?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Wireless is so close, but not that close. You still have to plug in the wireless charger. You can still use wireless to sync your devices as well, but you need something plugged in.

      5g will get us so much closer to a wire free world!