I posted my 2018 recap and 2019 technology predictions yesterday and the day before in several places so, I thought I would share them here on Virily!
- My 2018 in review podcast. https://docandersen.podbean.com/e/2018-tech-year-in-review/
- My 2019 what is coming podcast. https://docandersen.podbean.com/e/2019-my-bold-predictions-for-what-is-coming/
- The link to my Virily post recapping and expanding 2018 and 2019 https://virily.com/virily_poll/tech-wiz-2018-in-review-2019-what-is-coming/
- My annual LinkedIn article what is coming in 2019 https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-top-technology-projections-2019-scott-andersen/
Technology moves fast, 2018 was an interesting year regarding technology that arrived. 2019 promises many more interesting points of discussion. The biggest pain point I see today is the reality of the “fastest in-home wifi” and the “5g e” released by AT&T. Both of these are not technology improvement simply rebranding what is already there. 5g e isn’t 5g bandwidth for your phone. It is a marketing ploy. The 5g chipset for phones has been announced, but it hasn’t shipped yet.
Hype and marketing are bad for technology, as they are for well anything.
My review rules:
- I have to use the product
- I have to have purchased the product (if it is given to me, I don’t review it)
- The scale is 1-10
- 1-2 don’t bother
- 3-5 it works, if that is something you need
- 5-7 good product
- 8-9 excellent product
- Ten it rocks
Finally, I’ve made a change at the end of last year, posting questions before I post them in my blog on MyLot. If you haven’t joined or tried MyLot it is a fantastic place to ask questions!
Question of
Do you find reviews valuable?
Question of
Are you on Yelp?
Question of
Are you on Mix?
Question of
Are you on Mylot?
I was on mylot but the admins there are really flakey
They tend to remove posts every once in a while, and I have no idea why. Oh well. There is an interesting community there!
for that reason, I don’t post there anymore. no real point…
I truly do understand that. 🙂
at least here when I get a post removed I am told why
Don’t say positive things about Virily too loud it is not in vogue with the current state of complaining 😉
But I do actually agree with you. I am never sure why the moderators rip a post. They communicate as poorly as other sites.
It may be time to go back to wordpress only for me.
The explanation I got for my xmas fanservice being removed was that they were worried about google being offended. That was confusing but at least they bothered to explain and even apologize…
I can understand the fear of offense, that Google “the do no harm” company is the one limiting expression is sad.
I am unclear about why they were worried about Google in the first place
I would say at this point there are two sides to the internet. The one side, where money is made and the free and open side. Sadly, you cannot cross that line with money!
Agreed, but how does fanservice factor into this? I mean, fanservice gets hits, which generates income, so…
Good question Alex. From a pure business architecture perspective we would probably put fanservice into the “ad click generation” part of the advertising bucket. Influencers always drive advertising.
That said, I am trying to remember the last time I went searching on a site to find what someone else thought about something. The last recommended software I got and actually downloaded was the bit editor you shared.
So how is UE treating you? I am impressed by the robust featureset and the tiny footprint
So far, I am enjoying UE, I was actually reviewing code from a java app, and opened part of it in the editor, it was easier to read in UE than in Elicpse.
it also knows how to format code and script, which is pretty cool…
I use Visual Studio for code, most of what I write is Powershell stuff, so it is clean and fast at that.
I expect Visual Studio would be better, but UE can do it in a pinch
It does do a good job (Visual Studio) on Powershell stuff. I often get asked to look at scripts though, when that happens again I am going to try UE for that.
UE is my go-to app for HTML editing, but that doesn’t mean it is the best one for the job…
a long time developer friend of mine said, if I wait to learn the best tool for the job, your application will need an additional year in development.
THe same is true across all of IT. It isn’t the best tool for the job, it is the best tool for the person doing the job!
Yet another fact that should be obvious but somehow remains in obscurity…
I think I’m one of the fans of your technology products reviewing, and that has greatly enriched my knowledge.
Btw, I do not or have not joined any of the sites that you have mentioned. I have just checked their front page, but I don’t really know what I can really get from there and how to manage or spend time if I need to be active there.
That is of course wholly your call, Albert. MyLot is good for asking questions. The others are ones I’ve been using for a while. You might like Mix a lot.
Thanks for your input, Doc. I’ll try to sign in even I don’t know yet if I have time to be active there.
I can understand that I would check out Mix, it better supports sharing art such as what you create!!!!
I have signed in but haven’t done anything yet. What are your suggestions?
and how to find you there?
Docandersen on Mix –
You can actually share your Virily posts there to get more traction!
I see… I’ll try to find you there now…
Looks like my search failed.
Albert, my deepest apologies, I gave you incorrect information my Mix account is actually https://mix.com/scottandersen
I am so sorry about the confusion. My fault.
That’s okay, Doc! Hey, now I can see that handsome guy…
Btw, how you share your Virily’s post there?
There is a share link option (the plus in the right corner) 🙂
Oh, I see… Yes, I saw it since the first but still do nothing for I thought that button is to add feature we like
I will check out what you share on mix!
I just posted the first 15.
I will check them out at lunch today!
I see in my notification that you have commented on one of these posts, and that means you have checked it.
yes, Mix is hard to learn, but it feels like a great place to share stuff
I wonder too, how will other people who are not Virily members comment on our posts or vice versa?
Once they get moved into people’s collections, other people add them. It is a build a bigger network type of sharing (the more connections you have the more sharing you’ll get) I use it as a Virily site backup system!
Little by little I understand it more. The essence is building networks and connections, not adding comments.
that is a really good way to put it
what’s the difference between buy and given for review? If it is given to you, you will not be honest in your review?
That is a great question, I have chosen not to review things given to me for a number of reasons. The first, as you have detailed is the potential conflict of interest. The second is that I don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings if it was a gift.
you have a point.. and it is exclamation. haha. just kidding.