Many say that there is nothing better than walking through the life of a smiling, and at the same time nothing more difficult. There is also a saying that says that one can never be happy because of what he has as much as he can be unhappy because of what he does not have, and perhaps it is precisely in that pronounced secret of happiness and satisfaction with his own life.Many when they feel bad, if they are sad, disappointed, angry, all negative feelings are hindered and retained within themselves which is completely wrong, and ultimately detrimental to you, because it affects the rise in stress levels, as well as the emergence of chronic dissatisfaction and depression.Put your feelings on paper.The paper is all suffering, and in this case it also returns a smile to the face
Question of
Do you always have a smile on your face?
Question of
Are you depressed?
Question of
Would you try a paper trick?
All people get depressed, but really its hard to say, life is full of ups and downs. Might as well smile anyway.
We have to fight depression, so smile on the face.
I wake up in a good mood and can generally stay there all day…
Do not take away a smile from your face. I wish you a happy day
and I wish you the same, milady…
I guess I was just born with a happy disposition. I have probably faced more hardship and loss than the average person, but I always bounce back and I do also firmly believe the good health is a direct result of a positive attitude.
And I had big losses in life, big problems, but my head up, a smile on my face and getting faster.
Interestingly motivational and on point!!
Thank you, Bradley !!!
If a day is going by and I do not smile my cat Sid finds a way to make me smile.
Always find the way and the reason for laughter
Voleo bih da se smejem cesce ali…
potrudite se,druzite se sa pozitivnim ljudima,gledajte komediju….
We say “Laughter is health”..Therefore, peoples, be positive in your life and laugh whenever you can.
Bravo Marija, I agree with you.
I try to be happy and succeed most of the time.
I’m glad to hear that, Carol.
I wanted a choice of sometimes lol. I think balance is important.
Yes, balance is important, but it’s better to have more laughter
Life is always better with a smile 🙂
I agree with you, so smile on my face
We all need to smile more. Thank you for this reminder
Thank you very much for reading my post.Smile on your face.
Juhuuuu!Pozdrav!Thank you.Baloncici!
Hi Snezana, smile on your face.