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Small insects very useful for humans!

Robin Biznis October 12.2019. Belgrade, Serbia

I write about bees, ants. wasps, bumblebees and other insects.They are very important. Insects pollinate flowers.This is of great importance to our survival.So, without insects, plants cannot exist.

Also, people cannot grow crops without insects.

Living on the planet could become impossible for them.And this is generally known.What little is known is that entomologists have found that the number of insects decreases every year.And that’s worrying.People think it’s because the planet is getting warmer.Also, use chemicals in farming. Maybe this is an insect problem!

Image by Vetochka from Pixabay

  • Question of

    If you have fruit in your garden, do you use ecology preparation preparations?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you peel or wash the fruit well before eating?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

23 Points


  1. One method is to soak the fruit in water, in sea salt and lemon juice for 10 minutes.
    Better yet, American scientists have found that the fruit is immersed in aqueous sodium bicarbonate (NaHCo3) and held for at least 15 minutes,
    It is then safe to consume bark as well since vitamins are generally below the fruit shell.
    Thank you Carol.

    • Thank you very much,
      People have their customs.

      They work the way they used to.

      Someone forget,

      I generally give the expert opinion that fruits must wash or peeled before eating.

      • Actually, you are right. Fruits should be washed and peeled. Even in schools and in hospital and on media outlets, the advice is given as yours. But, people like me tend to forget occasionally especially when I’m in a hurry. I will remember next time.

    • One method is to soak the fruit in water, in sea salt and lemon juice for 10 minutes.
      Better yet, American scientists have found that the fruit is immersed in aqueous sodium bicarbonate (NaHCo3) and held for at least 15 minutes,
      It is then safe to consume bark as well since vitamins are generally below the fruit shell.
      Thank you Carol.