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Report, Report, Report

It amazes me how confused people are about reporting errors and such. If your power went out, you would contact the power company. If the water wasn’t working you would call the water company.  If you weren’t receiving your mail you would probably contact the postal department.

I don’t know about your work place, in my work place people often report issues over the lunch table instead to the person who could actually fix it.

Someone gave me a huge list today and I handed it back. I am not the right person.

  • Question of

    Do you take the time to report things to the “right” person?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you dismiss hearsay?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Are you an efficient problem solver?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Ghostwriter


    • I beg to differ. I have received many answers. It may take awhile but they always get back to me. However I handle it in private messages and with respect.

    • I don’t know if writing a post is the best option for me. A lot of people have opinions and believe they are giving great information and they are guessing and it turns out to be incorrect. I like to deal with staff on issues.

  1. I have reported many issues many times to admin and never got any answers.
    Hope you got a good report at the appointments yesterday.

    • I was mostly speaking about my work situation in the lunch room, however I have pretty good luck reporting things here. I have always received an answer. Some times it takes months, but they eventually answer.

      This post was about the huge list I got in the lunch room