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Pastel Sunset – Nature Tuesday & Color Crazy

I think the sunset fits this week’s challenge to post photos in pastel tones. The picture is from 2017. I remember that, because I have a post titled My Favorite Sunset For The Summer Of 2017. It was one of those 360-degree sunsets that offe ra different view wherever you look. If you check out the post, you will see a different perspective with different clouds from the same day.

Would you like to play a little game? If we all had a beach party during the sunset and we had to bring one thing that starts with the first letter of our username, what would you bring? My username starts with E, so I would bring eclairs. What about you? Tell me in the comments. 🙂

Oh, and I am comining two challenges again.

  • Will you join the game and share your answer in the comments?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points

Written by ellie925


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