… although it did look like it was dead … I have to get real close to see the small moment of its stomach (breathing).
It’s actually kind of interesting to see how animals are still themselves in the midst of the pandemic. Cats are still sleeping on the streets, under the flats and on their favourite tables like nothing have happened!
This cat, well, I shall call it a ball of fur … as it startled me when I was going up the stairs! It was there, by the railing, sleeping! LOL, I thought its a soft-toy at first!!
It looked like a softtoy right?
great capture, animals do seem to not care about the reality of the pandemic!
At least I don’t see them panic buying LOL
Would be a sight if they q up at the pet shop :p
it would be, i think this pandemic has taught us something about the world. Your post about the kind person that picked up their own food, but sure you got paid shows that there are still wonderful people!
That I cannot deny!!
Nice people are nice even without the pandemic! LOL
But more people are willing to give in time of crisis, I do realise …
that is very true and very important!
lol amazing that she didnt move when you came up the stairs. I can just imagine you watching to see if she was breathing. Whew, glad she was. They can sleep anywhere can’t they. Love this post, it made me laugh. Thanks!
Glad it made you laugh 😀
Yeap, have to get real close to see the small movement in her belly!
I think I need to get used to cats sleeping as soundly as her on the streets; she is not the first I saw in that state … LOL
She must feel totally safe there or she wouldnt let herself get into such a sound sleep. Cats are so cool arent they?!!
It looks like my cat. 🙂 Cats know how to feel comfortable anywhere!
Woo you have a nice cat!!
I have to agree, they can get comfortable everywhere!!
Cats have a knack for sleeping just about anywhere and in any position… Animals in this time of COVID seem to have migrated in the city as witnessed by a lot of people including me. They include hares and raccoons of course but also foxes, wild turkeys, deers and even bears…. Most animals just come in to look for food in the garbage like raccoons and foxes and bears. But others enjoy the absence of humans and traffic like deers and wild turkeys…
Yeah, maybe its their chance for social and party now that humans have to obey social distancing LOL
but the ransacking of garbage would be a problem
That is one kind of sad but true joke a friend of mine once told me about cats. He always had 3 cats and he said if one did not show up for meal times he would know that the cat was dead because they sleep most of the time and look like they are dead and then suddenly leap up to have their food.
LOL, yeah I totally agree with you sad but true joke …
they seems to only wake up for food … lol
A beautiful cat. Is it yours? Years ago, I had a cat in similar colors.
No, it’s a stray … but yes its pretty
Cats cope better than humans most of the time. Hope you are well my friend
Thanks, LaJenna, I’m well!
I hope you and your family is doing well too 🙂
Some animals are probably enjoying being out without us humans.
It could be true but these cats are so used to humans …
it seems they doesn’t care as much LOL
She really looks like she’s dead … the poor girl just rests
Yap, sleeping very soundly.
I can get so close … hehe
Are those your toes? It’s good that you do not have Covid toes
I’ve no idea what Covid toes was … have to look that up …
Thankfully I don’t have that!!