A few things from past blogs, I wanted to clean up!
- The reason for odd titles was to test a theory my friend doing the university study was wanting to be tested.
- The disclaimer at the bottom of my posts is at the advice of my attorney.
Some interesting things are happening on the site. The number of posts per day is dropping (other than a couple of authors). But in many cases views are going up. That is a perfect thing. Take a look at your last ten posts and see what your rate of views per day is (add the total number of views from your previous ten positions, then divide that by how many days, you’ve taken to have ten posts, then divide that number by 10, that show you your average views per 24 hours)!
Authors note: please note that the only way to maximize Virils on your posts, is to reply to comments on your posts. Be a friend – when people take the time to comment and respond to your posts, comment on theirs! (This is not demanding explanations, just only talking about the best way for everyone to earn more Virils).
The overall rate to 100 views has stabilized and moved a little. It was 23 hours for many authors, as recently as August 2019. It moved to 48 or more hours by the February 2020 time frame. It is pushed down to 36 hours for many authors in the past month. That is an excellent overall trend! Finally, I am as promised adding some things people have said bug them; as another, what can we do to make our site better post!
Please feel free to add ones I’ve missed in the comments!
The only way we as a community can move forward is together! We produce the content that brings viewers to Virily!!!!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental.
Question of
i would like the edit option back?
Question of
i really want more communication about the site.
Question of
we are a community and virily is a site. We are the content engine right?
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
No (1 votes) – 17%
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
No (1 votes) – 17%
Yes (5 votes) – 83%
No (1 votes) – 17%
Fix the bugs or squish them. I personally think the edit button caused more problems than it fixed. I did not like the idea of editing old posts and having the numbers still counting from the old post. If it is edited it should be new. Numbers starting at zero.
I would like to have that draft button back, I would like to be able to make quizzes again, and polls.
Communications is the biggest issue with this site or the lack thereof.
i hope you are sitting down Kim.
I completely agree with you.
Sitting down and the coffee cup is not in my hand. 😉 I remember talking about this a while back, and the problems that were arising from it. It wasn’t fair with the way it was.
it just created way too many problems
Editing and communication are my repeat words I will say for two more years it seems!
we got editing and we are trying for communication. Editing was not implemented well, but if they can fix that issue it would be awesome!
You are right, time will tell what happens.
as they say let’s keep a happy thought but go ahead and cross fingers and toes!
I agree with Thomas and Ahol. I would be very happy if you would return editing posts. If this is not possible, drafts could be returned.
Ditto – I think that one is universal. they just need to fix the bugs!
Thank you for the explanation. I didn’t know the main culprit was the bug.
sadly we have many issues on the site. most sites like this do!
I have worked on some sites in the past and they have usually had similar problems.
the problem with sites like this is the biggest variable (humans). what, how and when people post can cause massive issues depending on the overall team involved.
There are so many old posts that I would love to fix. Not just the typo posts, but there were many that I added embedded text from Twitter or a image. Those posts are now gone to crap. I feel that it devalues the post, and the skill of the author because that’s all the reader sees.
i agree and if they fix the issues having editing back would be amazing!
The edit option has to come back solely to fix typos whenever necessary. I don’t know how Virily could incorporate the Spell Check as being the only way to activate the edit button.
there are spell checkers you can use but I do agree we really need that edit button!