I remember when I was first on this site, I waited 4 and 5 days often for posts to appear. Then, 12 jobs would appear in one day. For the longest time, I was always catching up on sharing, on getting the content out and beyond just me. It was frustrating, but honestly, I have no idea how to deal with 22 days between my writing, and the article is published (which they still aren’t so it maybe 23 days tomorrow). Just to put things into perspective, some of the over posters would end up with 100 posts on a single day. Since mid-year last year, we’ve had a scrolling issue and only see the previous 24 jobs added to the site (it maybe 25). Can you imagine having one page on the front of the site filled with one author’s posts?
I have spent some time with Minds lately. It is exciting, but I don’t have many people on that site to share with. So overall, it seems like an interesting site, but I am early in the process. A mind is a new form of social media; I would say much closer to Mix or what used to be Stumble upon, than Facebook. I will continue to test and let you know if it is worth the time and investment. I don’t often add social networks; this is the first one I have said since I added Mix last year. I still am mixed on the former StumbleUpon. While I see some value and I have several friends on that site, it isn’t one that I know a lot of overall traction. I always figure for a post to be shared I would like to see at least an average of 5 views.
I know a lot of people have a lot of personal reasons that they do not use social media. I completely understand those reasons and support them. Social media is not for everyone. If you do use social media, would you mind sharing with me what you are looking for when you connect to a social media site? Could you also share what it is that you expect when you share with Social media? Are you looking for 10-20 external views? Or do you share so that your readers that aren’t on specific site wills ee the information you’ve published? I am inquisitive about how other people use social media today when it comes to sharing their stuff. Thanks in advance for those who comment on how they use social media!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
Is 5 net new views good enough for one share?
Question of
if you share (and no one has to) do you see a bump in the views for others?
I am on Facebook, here and Tsu. I couldnt answer the question on sharing and external views, as I don’t share. I did at first, but no one on my facebook page will click or view a link. I post maybe a few times a month on my personal fb page.
The reason I am on virily and tsu is to share my world, make friends and have conversations, see what my friends are doing/posting, and with a tiny monetary value to make it interesting. Tsu is not yet out of alpha testing and has a ton of bugs still, and you can only post one image per post, making writing stories to go with the photos tough. I like Virily, but with the way the admins run it, leaves a lot to be desired. If I had to wait almost a month to post at the beginning before I was able to post on my own, I don’t think I would of stayed. That would make it impossible to enjoy. I feel like I am at a bar, this one is too strong, this one is too sweet, this one too sour, this is watered down, and on and on.
today was the first day of publication (again) hopefully the first of many. I find that success is hard to measure on any of these sites. It isn’t money. It isn’t just friends. It is simply for me, connection.
I only use FB, as you know. What I like about FB is that I do not need to focus on networking and reading which saved me a lot of time. I am mostly a lone wolf. I do my own thing when I want to do my own thing. I get exposure by the shares made by people who follow my page and those that share it from the few groups I shared my stuff with. And to top it all, I develope friendships with people from various walks of life.
My goal in sharing? Just to share. For free. Anyone like reading it and sharing it, thank you. Anyone like reading it and commenting on it, thank you. But, the only important thing for me is that I get to chase my passion to write. A hobby. A plaything, mostly.
Well said Pixie, very well said. Or I guess I should say written.
Written, my dear, written 😂😂😂 love the punchline 😜
i do understand that – i think you are less of a lone wolf than you think.
Trust me, I am more of a lone wolf. I live in a pack. But a lone wolf just the same. People at home will tell you that (the 3 witches watch Netflix, I watch the sky at the rooftop) 😂. But the thing is, I magnet kindred spirits and awesome friends, like you, who adopt me and take me under their wings.
that is a very interesting way to put it, i honestly need to think about what that means. but I am honored to be a kindred spirit!
Kindred spirit, in my definition, is a person who may have tread the same path, or who may have the same interest, or who can meet us either intellectually or emotionally. He or she is more than an acquaintance, less than a friend – but could develope into a friend.
Friend, in my definition, is a person whom you can throw any ball, sideways, straight, curved – – – he or she doesn’t mind. Just throw you back of the same.
i like your definition of a friend, catches anything thrown and returns it right back to you!
Yep. Friends are great. But when your friend becomes more-than-a-friend, he suddenly becomes just like any man that you would wish to kick his ass 😂😂😂
pixies can’t kick very hard!
Ha! That is what you think 😂 I guess they cannot quite decide if I am a boon or a bane 😜. Woe to them. See, I am used to headbutting with the men in my life (dad and brothers) 😂😂😂
I know that many things in life shape us. Headbutting with sisters, brothers and parents certainly is a huge shaper!
Hahahahaha! Exactly. Must be hard for my brothers. Especially when I put my foot down on something and tell them that they can get as angry as they want but that I am neither angry at them nor moving my foot an inch 😂😂😜. Too bad one cannot divorce a sibling eh 🤷🏻♀️
older sisters have a power – my daughter can put her foot down and the twins won’t do things.
it is an amazing power
I have an older brother then a younger brother. I don’t put my foot down without weighing the risks and benefits. And I don’t put my foot down just for the heck of it. Same thing with my temper. I keep it on check. When I let it go, it means the person used up all my patience reservoir 😜
temper I agree, i don’t put my foot down with my little sisters it isn’t really something I’ve ever done. But my kids, I do then often.
Yes (2 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 50%
No (1 votes) – 50%
I use social networks less. Especially Facebook. I have experienced some unpleasant things on this site.
i learned very quickly to stay away from certain parts of Facebook. But i have also found some rather unpleasant things there.
As everywhere, there are pros and cons. In the past, I liked Facebook more.
the pros are pretty good in terms of some great writing groups. the cons are some lurkers that aren’t nice people.
Your new Mind project sounds interesting. I hope to hear more soon.
I do see an increase in views when my photos are shared.
things seem stable, i suspect we will see a slight uptick starting end of month. Minds is interesting so far it is less ad based than facebook
Less ads sounds like a good thing.
it really feels like it so far, Rasmasanda asked me to see what I thought.