
Love ItLove It WINWIN

I Beg You

After all days and events

which hurts and heals

who has dropped and raised up

which has been regretted and grateful for,

I begged you, O myself

please so that now, at the moment

You are happy

You are peaceful

You serene

You are healthy.

In order this time you don’t need to worry, not afraid

you are not angry, not sad or feel sorrow

so that you work with sincerity

doing all goodness

being humble

Right now you are accepting yourself soberly and fully grateful

so that now you willing to love everything.

Okay, I fulfill your request

then I say this belief to you:

Today, at this time, I am free from fear, anxiety, nervous, and anger.

I realized and felt happiness completely

I love every living thing and everything in nature

I am creative, diligent and full of sincerity.

I’m kind, humble and grateful

I am loving and be loved.

Every step of my life in any way

is the path to the growth of my spiritual consciousness

and the discovery of myself in the Divine.

For I have fulfilled your request

then live in that belief

at all times

not as a request

but as your reality.

  • Do you regularly say an affirmation in your mind?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

15 Points


  1. I do not recite anything. Well, okay, now that I think about it. When I hike, I do repeat, one more step, one more. I tend to take one step at a time in everything I do. I am generally happy, and try to keep a good attitude.

    • That’s great, LaJenna. Positive thinking might be good even though it must be addressed wisely for we cannot lie to ourselves by saying “this apple is delicious” at the time we really want to eat apples while actually, we are eating oranges because we have climbed the wrong tree. Hehehe…

  2. Amazing Albert. I need this so very much. I will keep this one as a daily reminder if you don’t mind. Thank you greatly for these much needed, uplifting and powerful words.
