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How to stay positive in these difficult times

For some time now, it seems that we are constantly surrounded by uncertainty. This is also because we are practically connected 24 hours a day with bad news. Here are some tips to help you maintain the daily positivity that each of us needs during these difficult times.

1. Control the amount of negative news. Sometimes a single title can be enough to start wondering about the current situation.

2. Let’s listen to music. It is probably already well known to us that music affects our well-being, so you can also help maintain your daily positivity and relaxation.

3. Let’s read some positive book

4. Let’s hug someone. Often, hugs can act as a stress reliever that puts a smile on individuals’ faces.

5. Let’s laugh. “Laughter is half health” and it is true, as laughter has many positive effects on our psychological and physical health.

6. We spend some time in the company of animals. If we have a pet at home, it is a good idea to take time at least once a day for them because, in addition to making them happy, their society has a therapeutic effect on us.

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Written by vidocka


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  1. Sorry, but hugs right now are not something very recommendable. We have to be very careful. Reading is important but if you read newspapers right now one can be overly worried. We have to find good books instead. I have a dog and it helps a lot. Thanks for your tips. I love the picture

  2. In the beginning I watched the development of this pandemic. Now I read the news from the Government of Spain. Then I search for an entertainment channel. I do not want to overwhelm my psyche with such negative and many times false speculative information. Thanks for this post.

  3. We need to recognize that mental health is as important as physical health. Taking care of our mental health at all times helps us during times of unprecedented stress like now.
    These tips will surely help.


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