Over the last 20 or so years, I have watched technology evolve at a very rapid rate. I believe the biggest and yet smalled change is coming soon. Many years ago, when the cellular phone first added data (2g/3g period), cell phone data was slow. You could, and did have much better success connecting to and using Wifi back then. Coming soon, and already in many cities is 5g. What does the 5th generation of wireless networks bring? More speed at the handset or cellular phone level. Where in most cases you much better bandwidth at home than when you were in your car with your cell phone, now you have the same at home, in the car and anywhere you are.
The days of nearly universal access are upon us. Being able to interact without waiting is almost here. There was a time when we used to call the process of loading a web page, painting the sheet. Why? Because it took as long for the page to load as it did for Van Gogh to paint one of his masterpieces. You could it felt like see each brush stroke on the screen. Now the internet is much faster. 4g is excellent; the bandwidth and coverage are vastly improved over the past five years. 5g is much quicker. Connectivity to that tower becomes a critical part of the process. How far are you from the tower, and do you have a clear line of sight to the tower, determines your connection quality.
As 5g appears, the reality is that things are going to change. What once took an hour (downloading a movie) then took 10 minutes (downloading a video on 4g) may not take more than 2 or 3 minutes in a 5g solution. So all of this explanation leads to what? What is the significant change you promised to talk about? The big difference is the information we have access to consume. More and more information will be provided with links to the additional resources for the story. Journalists (not commentators) always have multiple sources for the information they report. In the internet world, they will e able to share those with you in the original story; you will have access to more details upfront!
We are the age of connection. Next, comes the information age!
This work is Copyright DocAndersen. Any resemblance to people real or fictional in this piece is accidental (unless explicitly mentioned by name.)
Question of
Connection is important right?
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Ever needed your phone GPS to get you home?
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Have you ever looked up the answer to a question via the internet?
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What lies beyond 5g?
Yes (7 votes) – 100%
Yes (4 votes) – 100%
Yes (6 votes) – 100%
Yes (1 votes) – 100%
Yes, we have increasing information with the internet, as you say, at a rapid rate.
life moves very quickly, it is only evolution that is slow!
Sometimes I think there is too much technology in this world and then again I do not know what I would do if I did not have the Internet.
As one of the people that worked very hard to push technology forward, I would say the internet is probably the least impact technology has had.
In our country, some oppose 5G. I don’t know which “group will win”.
yes I have heard about many opposing 5g, i do understand their fear. But i also suspect the science doesn’t really agree with the anti-5g messages right now
You are right. Opinions are very divided here. I wonder what the conclusion will be.
so far it has been deployed in more than 40 us cities, I hope they don’t wait too long.
Technology will always be advancing forward.
it really is always moving forward, it is why i love it!
I can understand that. Very challenging at times.
i wish it was not that way. but it is.
It’s funny that all of these 5g conspiracies are out there saying that 5g is giving everyone Covid-19 when 5g is only microwaves. If those conspiracies were true, then everyone would have cancer right now from using their microwave ovens over the past 35 years.
people believe what people believe 🙂
Another one that I have heard that absolutely shocked me is that some people were using the excuse of not wearing a mask in public because they would breathe in all of the carbon dioxide they breathe out of their mouth even though all masks are breathable. If this was true, then all of the doctors and nurses would die whenever they had to operate on patients.
The reality of conspiracy theories are that they exist. When people spread them it makes them so much worse.
That’s really a great post!!!
thanks hamza i am glad you liked it
As everything gets faster and faster, we have to catch up too.
a really good friend of mine says when riding the wave of technology it is best to be in the front part of the wave, once the wave passes you will never catch up