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Chickens ~ Saturday's Critters

I saw the two chickens while walking towards the motocross hills last Saturday. They are in a flat area that is quite open at the bottom of the valley. It seems they are a couple. But I don’t know whether they are wild or domesticated because there are no houses around them. Apart from them, I also saw a mother hen with her two children in a different place.

From a distance, I saw them scavenging the ground but when I stepped near them, the activity stopped because it seemed they were suspicious and anxious. When I pointed the camera at them, their suspicions increased, and immediately fled. I’m lucky to get some of their pictures. This is the best picture because other images are quite blurry because of their movements. Well, I think, it’s their basic instinct like other animals.

As a source of learning, I think this animal is very adaptive and can generally be able to live anywhere, as long as the food is available to him. In addition, beyond the general knowledge that roosters are a symbol of time-shifting from night to morning, it seems like chickens are an example of diligent animals, keep walking to get food.

  • Do you have a philosophy or other valuable lessons about chicken?

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What do you think?

22 Points


  1. I’ve seen chicken in school garden and then at some farms …
    I do not know much about them other than the ones put on my plates :p

  2. My dad raised chickens on his mini frame. My mom loves brown eggs. I used to take care of the farm when they were out of the country or on vacation.

    1. Chickens eat anything (including by the way chicken)
    2. Chickens smell.

    Chickens have no loyalty. My lesson is don’t be like the chicken!

  3. Those are healthy looking chickens, sounds like they are wild. I would love to have chickens, and have thought about a small chicken coop with about five hens. Someday. I would love to see a wild one like this.

  4. My late grandmother who lived in the interior of Panama had a lot of chickens in her home. I remember seeing a home in Metairie Louisiana where one of the homes had a chicken farm that was small since it was in a residential area.

  5. Great shot! My grandparents lived on a farm,, and I used to love to stay all night. i would dream of a cow peaking in my window, or coming through the door lol. My sister and I could pic a baby chick of our choice, and tie a band on it, or proof of it not not getting on someone plate lol.

  6. This reminds me of my grandparents’ farm growing up. They had lots of chickens and always fresh eggs. I actually remember being chased by one of the roosters! 🙂 The good ole days.
