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Brain Fog

Many of you probably have heard of the words brain fog. But have you experienced it? Unfortunately I can say I have on many occasions. And there are many reasons for this. It could be health related, stress, lack of sleep, medications, food allergies, depression, hormones, etc. Many causes and sometimes the cause is unknown. There are also many symptoms. Headaches, fatigue, unable to concentrate, mood swings, low energy, confusion, irritability, etc. This is a hard condition to diagnose as it could be so many other things going on. The best advice I could give, since I have experienced first hand is to chill. Unplug. Relax. Deep breathing. All of these things help me and sometimes I have to walk around outside to clear my head. I felt the need to write about this as a friend from a world away just called and was explaining how she felt. I told her she sounded exactly like I feel when I have this brain fog. When we are going through something we have never experienced before, it is a comfort to talk to others who have  been there. They are usually the ones who can help. Good luck to those going through difficult times.

By the way, the photo is a sunset I took awhile back from my deck. I edited it and it is so how I feel sometimes.


  • Have you ever had brain fog?

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    • No


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Carol DM


  1. Intersant photography.
    I did not know the name that you described.
    I had some of these symptoms.
    Then the walk of me started to relax.
    Thank you on article Carol.
