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A Sneaky Shot

While out walking in my yard earlier today, I noticed the blackbirds in my cypress trees. I have seen them before and know they have a nest in the tree somewhere. I first talked about the blackbirds here.

I had my camera and I heard several birds fly when I approached a tree. I looked closer and there was a baby blackbird perched on a limb. The blackbirds over my head making all kinds of noise. I felt like I was in the movie, the Birds. Kind of scary actually. They could have attacked. But I moved slowly, got a few photos, and got out of there safely.

You have to be kind of sneaky when getting these kinds of photos. The parents will attack, and rightfully so. They should protect their babies against predators. 

Below is a photo I took of several blackbirds in the tree over the winter.


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    Have you seen baby birds in your yard before?

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    Nature is all around us and meant to be enjoyed, agree?

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Written by Carol DM