In the past, someone once said that people like me are misguided, people who are lost. The reason is that our rights and obligations as human beings only believe, even if we cannot see the truth. Truth is there with those who gather and believe together, who are both believers.
Maybe for many people, just believing and having faith, then gathering together with all who believe, worship, perform rituals and sing the same song is enough, but what if that way cannot overcome a great longing, cannot reach and enjoy the garden of questions who continues to flower and bear fruit, cannot fulfill an unusual desire?
So my choice is to let myself get lost, to let myself escape the collection of sand carried by the current and float in the water, let my self not against free-will even though it must be separated from the collection of sand, becoming only a single floating sand, out of prevalence and entering the oyster body. Maybe I’ll be locked in for a long time, no longer see beautiful grass and fish swimming around me, because I’m just a grain of sand in an oyster.
But don’t worry, in it, I see truth residing in essence, not in appearance. There is only peace and bliss there, the secret of love, which is not everything I hear and say with the word because it is just the skin of Love, a secret that is not revealed.
I realized that I was no different from other sands, who saw something was invisible to his heart, but I might have been a little more fortunate for I had and continued to rub my awareness to such extent until that something looked more real.
Also then, from my heart, I see other grains of sand, in the shells of other oysters. Is that you?
Question of
Have you ever felt the urge of something in you that made your attitude and thoughts not in accordance with the way other people in general?
Question of
Did you do something for that difference?
Question of
Are your differences meaningful?
Users voted 8 times.
Q: Have you ever felt the urge of something in you that made your attitude and thoughts not in accordance with the way other people in general?
Yes (8 votes) – 100%
Q: Did you do something for that difference?
Yes (4 votes) – 50%
No (4 votes) – 50%
Q: Are your differences meaningful?
Yes (9 votes) – 90%
No (1 votes) – 10%
I’d rather be an outsider with a clear path than a member of society with no clue of what I was meant to do…
You have a great choice, but don’t the society members generally feel they know about “what to do”?
Not in my experience; they might think they know what they want but most of them are just going through the motions. If everyone knew who they were and what they wanted, there would be no such thing as a midlife crisis
Hmmm… That is one of the reasons why I like to share ideas like this.
I am happy that you also have such thoughts.
People tend to be distracted by trivial things and forget to focus on the critical things
That wise sentence seems to be as great as the quotes of other great sages.
I was only able to see so far because I stood on the shoulders of giants
I know that because you have said it, and hopefully the giants include you to walking up the mountain and diving to the bottom of the ocean.
I started from the bottom of the ocean and worked my way up
Endurance and struggle will unite you with the stars.
I am made from stardust, how much more united can I get?
Well! Sooo glad to hear it!!! If that’s what you understand and realize, then you are nothing but a star that doesn’t need to be doubted.
My friend is my unique one – the essential difference between us is that some are positively unique and some are negative
Your point of view is interesting, Lado. I think everyone has a positive and negative side, even though there is a dominant tendency towards one of them.
Albert, I totally agree with you
My whole view of the world is different than that of most other people I know. It’s like I see a dimension they don’t that’s as real to me as what they see is to them.
Your uniqueness is very impressive and arouses curiosity.
I interpret what I see in the world and in current events through the perspective of my Christian worldview. So I often attach meanings that only those who share my faith would also see.
I understand and appreciate your perspective. You are so religious. Barbara.
I wouldn’t say I was religious, but I do try to live my faith and I see the world from its perspective. I don’t participate in many religions rituals or services much anymore.
I understand, Barbara, my friend. I really understand.
I am not the same as the wider mass, just myself. Good post. We are all unique.
Totally agree. Thank you for expressing your views openly.
When God made me he broke the mold lol. Great message!
Then you become very special, especially because you are handmade. lol
Great comeback, and so true lol.
Comeback? Who? Me? Hmmm…
Come back means-great response lol.
Many people talk about free will. Some conceive free will to be the capacity to make choices in which the outcome has not been determined by past events. I see it more about the ability to choose between different possible courses of action unimpeded. It is a much debated subject.
I know and thanks for your feedback. I use that word because I have no choice about other words that can replace it. It’s rather difficult to say “Desire to be free from the worldly public perspective to meet the adoration of the heart; the Divine”.
Absolutely, I think we are on the same page.
We’re on the same page, sure.