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A bird at the lake

I was at the artificial lake (the only water bodies around)  for an evening walk there were so many of these birds there. I don’t know what exactly they are but I think they are cattle egrets.

It was not easy to find them as they seem to blend with vines around.  There were a few cormorants with just their heads peeking out of the water and looking like black snakes.

The fish in the pond must be thriving now as the bird population seems to have increased in the last few months.  I don’t enjoy going there anymore because of the crowds. I love peace and quite so crowded places are off limit for me. ?

  • Question of

    Can you identify the bird in the picture?

    • Yes
    • No
  • Question of

    Do you like going to parks or crowded public places?

    • Yes
    • No


What do you think?

21 Points

Written by Dawn


  1. Our parks are not too crowded but would not advise you to go where there is no one there unless you have company, it isn’t safe in Auckland…fine if there are people…few but with one person or no one, it is dangerous.

  2. Wonderful picture, dear friend… sorry, I do not know the bird …. I also like to take a walk in a park and watch the nature