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Wander project what dad saw…


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13 Points

Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  1. In the meadows, it smells of beautiful fresh grass. As a child, I really loved playing there. The bird I saw was a white heron. And the other animal crocodile, alligator or whatever his name is, I do not want to meet him.

  2. Was the croc a traveling partner. Great photos. You love traveling about and so did your father but you know I rather like to stay put and not travel too much and certainly not alone. I can tell you that I had the oddest feeling when I returned to the US. First of all, there was all this heartache, I had to worry about my cat who had no idea where we were going and then after 20* years in Latvia except for several times visiting the states I saw on the airline map we were leaving the European continent. It then hit me I was completely changing my life. By the time the map showed we were entering US territory I was singing Hello, America how are you…

    • We, when I was little moved from Indiana to Bangkok Thailand. I know the feeling you had leaving one life for another.

      It takes courage to make changes that big. I know when we came back to the US, I was actually singing Back home again, in Indiana!

  3. It was sometimes much more difficult than it is today. Today we have much more modern communication technology (computer, mobile phone …). I understand children who miss their father. Children do not understand why dad’s not so much time.


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