One of the things that happened to me, over the years, is that when traveling I would work too long. Many trips I would work 12 or 14 hour days so I could get done in a week what would normally take me two weeks. I did that to avoid being gone for two, or three weekends. I did try though, often at night to see the many cities I was visiting. I have some darkened pictures of things I saw, that well, when looking at the pictures now, you can’t see. It just so happens, that on the trip to London, we had a Sunday before the work week, and a Saturday after the work week to do some sightseeing. The last pictures from London and this trip come from our visit to the tower of London.
I just realized how bad that sounded. We were not invited by the queen to move our residence from the hotel to the tower of London. We did not volunteer to join the tower guard, and while I suspect it would probably have served London better, we were not a permanent guest in the tower. Other than the crown jewels, which are always in the tower expect when they aren’t, nothing other than guards lives in the Tower of London. The tower is more of a castle with a tower where they used to keep the people that annoyed the sitting King or Queen. It sits along the Thames. They even had secured boat docks for the Tower of London so that boats could bring bad prisoners right into the tower!
There are a few fun facts about London for me. The first is I have a really good friend who lives in London. He and I have hung out in Amsterdam and New Jersey and Seattle, but we have never hung in London. We were on the same team at work and got to hang out, we are still in communication today, but we’ve never hung out in his current home or my current home. Funny fact number one about London and me. Next fact, I have been to London around the holidays but the actual holiday I’ve been in London was New Year’s day. That one was a flying out on New Years Day and landing the 2nd of January, but I am counting that as a holiday day in London. I missed a lot of great football games that year!
Even better silhouettes here with more detail
You had the good fortune to see the Big Ben tower before it was encased in scaffolding for major repairs!