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Wander project dad's pictures Grandma's Pies!

I am wandering the pictures of my father. I recognize more than half the people in the very first picture. It is family friends and my parents. I don’t recognize the hat my father is wearing. That was not the type of hat dad often wore. Dad used to wear one of three hats around the house or outside. I remember them because I think it was the same three hats most of my life. It reminds me of my younger sister and me, racing to my grandfather’s closet where he kept one of the two dream hats. They were dream hats, one captain’s hat, and one cowboy hat. I know over the years my sister, and I raced to those hats. I know we did because my grandfather and father took lots of pictures of the two of us in those hats.

We would grab them, grab fishing poles and run down to the lake. It was our tradition. I know the hats were originally my grandfather’s, but he never argued or declared eminent domain over the hats. He let us have them. It was part of the arrival process at the Lake.  The other was waking up early before our parents got up and having grandpa make us breakfast. Grandma used to make big meals. Or, more importantly for me, Grandma used to make the pies. I love pie to this day, because of the pies my grandmother made. I love my mother’s cooking, she taught me how to experiment with flavors and to create so any ethnic dishes, but Grandam was the queen of pies!

Blueberry or cherry pies were my personal favorite. They weren’t made from a can brought at a store. Even though my grandfather and grandmother owned a store in Cambridge Wisconsin, they owned, in fact, the only grocery store in the town for many years. Grandma made everything for the Cherry or Blueberry pies from scratch. I remember helping in the kitchen. I was allowed to pull stems and pit cherries. Or wash and dry Blueberries. As I said, the love in those pies is why I love pies now! But breakfast was always peanut butter toast with Bacos. Bacos, fake soy-based bacon bits, spread on the toast that was covered with peanut butter. That was a grandpa special. My grandparents are always a happy memory for me!


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Written by DocAndersen

One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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