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Wacky Wednesday – Monarch Caterpillar to Chrysalis

I have raised Monarch Caterpillar from tiny white egg to caterpillar to Chrysalis and then from Chrysalis to Monarch butterfly

This process is interesting. 

During the Monarch caterpillar stage, the caterpillar sheds it’s skin five times. When it sheds it’s skin it is called an Instar. Now the final Instar is when the caterpillar becomes a chrysalis. It eats and eats during the caterpillar stage and becomes large, then the caterpillar becomes restless trying to find a safe place. It sits for a while in it’s chosen place then it hangs upside down for a while and then suddenly it begins to spin. As the new green covering comes out of it’s body the caterpillar skins shrinks off its body and it hangs as a green chrysalis.

The thumbnail shows it hanging upside down.


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Pamela Moresby


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