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The way back…

I finally finish the photos from the hiking trip in Oceanside California out back…  We started off on one of several trails that we had spotted one day while driving. It’s not far from my house and has a natural water shed that never runs dry. 

#1 This giant tree

was still living and crossed the creek landing on the other side and breaking.

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#2 Boston Fern?

or some sort of fern was thriving. This was under a Live Oak Tree Canopy. 

#3 Flora

The same fern but a wider angle to show the whole plant. 

#4 Collage

This is the same tree, looking the same way, just a wider angle on the right side. 

#5 The trail

With a boulder that has lichen growing on it. 

#6 More

of the trail. See the bike tire marks and the erosion from water? 

#7 A stand of Eucalyptus Trees

with some Pompas Grass plumes glowing almost in the center of the frame. 

#8 Pompas Grass..

We are getting closer to the Pompas Grass, and the car is parked just beyond the trees to the left out of frame. 

#9 Two kinds of Plumes…

The Pompas Grass kind, and the Meika's tail kind! 

I was actually going to try to take this one because of the bike tire patterns. lol 

This is the end of my hike. Thank you for joining me. Have a great day! 

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Written by Kim_Johnson