On the current news many young people are rising up to protest and speak up about “Climate Change!”
We live on planet Earth and there is no planet B. This is where we are going to live and here we need to make the best of our situation.
For years companies have been concerned about profit, money and insurance. I once saw a cartoon, some big rich man in middle age puffing his chest out in front of a stinking rubbish heap putting an arm on his young son, “Some day Son this will all be yours!”
Isn’t it time to make these large companies accountable for the generations to come, because we have to live here.?
So what can any person do?
I believe every person is accountable to do what they can to nurture and care for the earth…I believe you and I can make a very real difference.

Our existing cars can be converted into electric cars I believe for the price of $6,000.00. Most laws in countries would prohibit people from doing that for politically correct rules but it can be done.
However, then you need to be able to generate enough electricity in a country to power cars and so we need to create natural energy. Where from? Wind, Solar, geothermal, and hydroelectric power.
I think petrol stations and people in the car industry could move forward to make that happen…they should do that right now.
While they are at it, aviation companies research and move to make planes safe to fly electric….

What can any person do to help our earth.
Grow plants, trees, fruit trees, gardens with flowers, herbs, natives, and vegetables….Design it and have fun doing it.
In an apartment grow small potted plants, maybe they should redesign apartments with gardens attached
Gardens are great, put a seed into the ground and watch it grow.
What can you do, plant seeds….you will be surprised…at what can grow. Off course recycling and not buying plastic bags…

Climate Change, if it is found to be wrong?
Well, we can all be wrong, but then what is wrong about cleaning up the mess mankind has made?
After all we are supposed to be Earth’s caretakers, and some people have just taken from the earth without giving back.

I don’t know about you, but I love nature do you? I love the beautiful places of New Zealand and that is a good reason to share them with you.
A good reason to do what we can. Water is precious and above all on the earth we need to preserve water, for people need to drink good clean water.
I think that we can all do little things to help our earth, but only what we are able to do.
I hope we can contribute to the preservation of mother Earth through this.
Yes, that would be very nice, all we can do is what we can one day at a time, thanks Florel
You’re much welcome Pamela.
I agree. Each individual should make every effort to save what can still be.
Totally agree with you… Thanks Vidocka.
We all need to do our part, no doubt.
Its the point I am making, we do.
I agree. It’s not just down to the government or large companies to make change. It’s down to each and every one of us to do our bits too. This beautiful planet we’re living on is slowly getting destroyed. It’s so sad.
Thanks Coffee Queen..I know people say that the earth is going through its natural cycle but I don’t think that matters, what matters is that people look after the earth
We should consider the explosion of population. More people the less land that will remain. However, at individual level we can do things that will ensure sustainance of life e.g. how we use water. The level of fresh water is decreasing day by day.
I think there is quite a lot of spare land which is dessert barren and unused. I believe we can turn that around, some have turned dessert into a place where plants can grow…It certainly can be done.
The sea levels are rising but the sea can be turned into being drinkable water but de salivation plants…some countries are already using it.
We can always find creative solutions Introvert, they are there waiting to be discovered..Thanks so much…
I didn’t know that. Now, I believe there are creative solutions to pressing issues in our world.
Yes, there definetly are….
I agree Pam almost. The reality is yes, some companies have been horrible around the climate but just as many individuals have been horrible. The impact of companies in many cases has been bad.
But the reality is the issue of too many people, requiring too many farm goods, products, houses and roads is the biggest impact on the environment.
It is easy to blame faceless companies. But many of them work very hard to have a o carbon footprint.
I know so many people (there are 300 houses in our neighborhood, 12 of us have solar) that don’t do the least they can do to reduce their impact.
You are right Doc, some fertilisers used in agriculture are not necessary especially made out of super phosphate.
Animal products such as cow dung and horse manure, and sheep pellets are very effective fertilisers for any plant production.
Yes, some people need to recycle but it is sometimes hard to do that. It can be done but it takes work
I took my 1st computer to a place called “The Ark” which was supposed to recycle computers. I think they got too many used computers.
Good on you for having solar power, I live in a rental but I think that solar is great.
I have always maintained that it is the individual that can make or mar the environment.
Yes, you are right we can all individually make a difference. Thanks Grace
You are 100% correct, and it by no means too late to obviate the worst consequences of climate change. Even if these are delayed by 100 years rather than cancelled out altogether, surely that is something to strive for?
My dear I think we remembered at least 30 years too late what kind of damage we are doing … I don’t think there is any more help to our planet, though they say it is never too late … at least 30 years too late
We can do only one thing at a time Lado, all anyone can do. At least trying is better than nothing.
Well, my way is to have a garden and grow vegetables. Plus I am composting my food scraps.
Cars, well, a guy told me that he and his Dad could convert an existing car into an electric one but it would cost $6,000.00 NZ. Trouble is that there are so many regulations in the car industry it prevents it from being done.
An electric car, cheap to run.
Thanks so much Lado. I enjoy reading your comments
we’re not going to save the earth, dear friend … look at the US president who cares little about the environment
That’s what I do, and I happily separate the waste, dear Pamela …. cars are maybe a little bigger founders …. what about planes and how many are in the air each day…
In our own little way we can contribute a lot. We start in our homes by minimizing use of plastic.
So true Florel, I just reuse plastic bags for shopping and don’t get any more of those.
You are right
We now have a rule here to ban the use of plastic bags in the stores. Paper bags are now being used here.
We don’t have plastic bags now in our supermarkets and that is a start.