I feel like such a failure…
11 Votes
My Fibromyalgia would not have tolerated the hike, but it looks like a great hiking experience for those fit enough lol. You did great!
Your photos are magnificent!!! But let me recommend you to be careful in such hikes, relax on time and do not exhaust yourself cause measure is a treasure.
I think if you consider yourself a failure then I need to dig myself a hole!! LOL
It’s a long hike and you’ve some much stuffs with you – water is VERY heavy!
I remember going up Mt Bruno and I almost died somewhere … I needed multiple breaks… and you know what? I’ve left everything in the car except for a water bottle and phone!
You know, what I’ll salute you for what you did!!Anyway, that hike makes me swear never to hike again! LOL
Awe Alibb, I didn’t mean for that to happen, this is supposed to inspire. lol I am joking, this one was such a hard hike, and reading the reviews, it looked easy enough. Where is Mt. Bruno? I know of one in Australia is that the one? I do know that feeling now, and I am sure its not as high as a the one you hiked.
LOL, I know the feeling, reviews always make it seems easier!! My sister thought that too when she planned the trip, it was DAMN! Almost took my life and legs!! LOL
There is a typo. Mt Burmo is in Surabaya, Indonesia. Maybe Albert can help with this :p
My legs are just now not hurting if I dont move. If I move, they still hurt.
That’s where I had heard that name. Albert!! I think he has mentioned it before.
You did great Kim but I hope you are not overdoing it. You are the only one who knows your limits. And the views you are seeing are incredible. They are always like mini-vacations.
Thank you Carol. I guess you know by now I did over do it. But we have a hike planned for today. I told him, it has to be by water the whole way, and no hills!!! Ready for some nice flat land pictures? 🙂
Brrr but it looks like they enjoyed it.
He got cold sitting in the shade. lol