Taking a stroll through my garden this morning. The bluebird house is gone. But there are many other things left to see. The first thing I saw were the Japanese Honeysuckle blooms. This bush started out as a tiny vine and is now about five feet tall. I love the colors and the hummingbirds and butterflies visit as well. No maintenance at all required.
Next is my butterfly bush. It has just started growing as I have had it only a couple of years. I hope it will eventually develop into a tall round bush. For now the white blooms attract all kinds of bumble bees, butterflies and other bugs. I never know what I may see on these blooms. Today was both a bumble bee and what I think is a soldier beetle on my butterfly bush blooms. I stand corrected if anyone knows for sure. Hard to tell in this photo, I will try to get more.

And another rose of sharon bloom to end with. My three bushes continue to bloom and attract bees and butterflies. There is also a blue sky trying to shine through. Always wishing me a good morning, afternoon and evening. And I wish the same to you. Enjoy the little things nature has to offer.

Gardens say…
Slow down,
Look around you,
~ Zoraida Rivera Morales
Photos ©CarolDM2018
Each image is awesome and I like the Butterfly bush blooms the most.
Another pretty bee and more lovely flowers. Your garden is heavenly, Carol.
Thanks so much for your kind words Ann.
What a great garden you have! From your posts over time it seems that you have a beautiful yard all year long. Having plants for native pollinators is very rewarding I guess; and, the pollinators thank you. Oh, it’s nice to be back in touch with all of you guys. Cheers Carol. 🙂
Sorry so late in responding Howard. I try to have something going on year round but the winter is kind of hard. I have indoor plants. Good to see you.
Lovely photos and poem. Very good thoughts go with it.
Thank you Pam, good to see you.
Thank you very much for the comment.
How long did you have to wait to catch the picture of the bee? wonderful shot!
Not long at all actually. Only a few seconds. He was very focused on these blooms. Thanks! The other bug was just a bonus.
awesome, sometimes the bonus picture is the best picture.
Indeed I agree with you Doc.
Thanks! Always fun when you realize you got something, you didn’t realize you had!
Second snap really touching
Thank you for visiting.
Wow Carol your garden is yielding so much beauty. It must be a divine place to be.
Thank you so much Bradley. I have several gardens around my house and they all seem to be doing great. We have had a lot of rain and that helps. I love being out in nature but only wen the temps are not close to 100. I got lucky yesterday and got out early.
I love all the blooms. Such beauty where hope springs in every bloom.
Thank you LaJenna, I like to get out in my garden. It takes my mind away for a little while.
Wow, they are amazing photos.
Thanks and so good to see you.
I enjoy my garden every day I can.
They are such beautiful pictures, Carol.
Thank you so much Branka.
Ah… beautiful photos!!
The Japanese Honeysuckle looked interesting
Thanks, I have posted the honeysuckle one before with the entire boom, it has a yellow center, very pretty.
It is cool to get two bugs in one photo. 🙂
They are such beautiful pictures, Carol. I particularly love the one with the bee and butterfly on.
Thank you very much for your comment.
Very nice.Thank you very much.
Thank you for visiting Robin.