“Quire” is a simple word with a simple meaning. Although it isn’t in common usage, it is a valid term that could be used by writers, though primarily if they used the old-style of writing; pen and paper. In today’s electronic world, this is a word that will most likely become less and less used until it fades.
Quire is also a word that has a meaning that is quite a bit different than the word it comes from.
The word ‘quire’ is a noun that is defined as ’24 identical pieces of paper’. In other words, to be a quire, the paper must be of the same size, quality, brightness, and so forth.
This word comes from the Latin word quaterni, which means “a set of four”. Naturally, 4 and 24 aren’t the same things. A quire is six times as many as a quaterni, although it is still divisible by four, and it specifically is a reference to paper.
An example of use would be, “My bucket list is a long one. It covers both sides of a quire.”
Thank you for sharing the word quire. It is a shame that word could become history in the near future.
I’m not sure that it ever was used all that much, to begin with, though. Now, almost everything is done electronically that would have formerly been printed on paper.
There are some words in the English vocabulary that I seldom if ever hear these days or in the past.
I did not know about this before. Thank you for explaining this to us.
I’m very glad anything something I write helps people to learn something new. :))
I never knew these words before
Very cool word and meaning, thanks for the knowledge.
I still haven’t really figured out why it was important to have a specific word for 24 pieces of paper, but there must have been a reason. lol
Some things are actually for no reason at all, they just are. My opinion.
nice post thank you very much