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To catch a huge cod and have a great vacation

What does the midth/end of March mean in the Kingdom of Norway? Of course, the very significant event and adventure for all the fishermen – just a fantastic the World Cod Fishing Championships!

16-17 March 2018 cod fisheries and sea anglers from all over the world will meet together in the Lofoten Islands (off the Northwest coast of Norway).

Why exactly in this time? The reason is simple: huge shoals of Arctic cod begin to gather to spawn to the Lofoten Archipelago. It is a real challenge and expanse for fishermen!

Why don’t you take part in this breathtaking event and to spend a couple of days at the Norwegian sea? There is a chance for you to win prizes of two categories – for the biggest fish and for the largest number of fish caught. The main condition of success – take your good mood for victory with you!

So, who will catch the biggest cod? Professional or amateur? Find the answer on the Lofoten Islands! And, of course, try to catch the fish of your dream!

The small historical note: the first World Cod Fishing Championships was held in 1991. It attracts large numbers of fishing fans year after year.

Welcome to the World Cod Fishing Championships!

<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Source</a>


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16 Points


  1. Both my sons are angry fishermen. That would have liked them. Now they are married and lead with their wives. Sleeping in tents. Great romance. And I stay to look after the grandchildren. There is a fish for me for a reward. Hahaha

  2. Cod is one fish I’ve never tried to catch. Well, not quite true; on the Oregon coast before we moved here to Montana, I did catch a rock cod, but that is totally different.

  3. An interesting event, Anastasia. I am not a person with a fishing hobby but have taken part in the boat with the fisherman several times (because the boat owner is my friend), and it’s great to see their fun in the fishing and excitement they get when they get the catch! I myself prefer to relax and watch their activities.

    • Thank you so much for your comment! You know, the day-time temperatures are not too cold there during this period (cause the sun is). As for BIG fish – there were such records as 19,2kg and even 27,5kg! I think it’s not so bad 🙂
