The rules are easy, just find the differences!
I have posted two photographs, one is the original version and the second I have added, changed or taken some things away.
There are many differences, can you find at least 10 of them? Post in the comment below.
Remember do not look at the comment section until you have found as many as you can, unless of course you get stuck and want to know the answers others have given.
I will post the answers in two days on Monday the 19th!
Have fun!
The original photograph:

My edited version:

There were 29 changes in all. Thank you all for playing!
i found about 17 differences.
Nice Post I Found.
1. LOVE added to tower on left
2. LOVE added to storefront
3. CANT TAN replaced contents of notice board
4. VISTA added to fruit box
5. DELPY added to storefront
6. 2 bollards added at bottom right
7. Section removed from hedge at bottom left
8. Overhead cables removed from top right
9. Street light removed from top right
10. Chimney added at top right
Thanks for playing but when you copy and paste, make sure you change some of the words. or at least what order they are in. NO cheating!
These are the first ten answers of Norman’s answers. Or you two have an uncanny ability to write exactly the same things…. frowns.
The light post is missing, Can’t Tan sign is different, Vista sign is added and there is a brown spot on the wall.
That is four, good job Pizzaguy! Thank you for playing!
You are welcome. I really enjoy your posts on this site.
I went to type in my answers and saw they were already found! I get to these too late lol! But still fun!
I will be making more than 10 from now on, with only 10 needed, that way there will be different answers.
Wow you were on a roll there, lady! And so was I but I decided to stop at #20, and not be too greedy 🙂 (Will you tell us how many changes you actually made?!) Here’s my list
1. LOVE added to tower on left
2. LOVE added to storefront
3. CANT TAN replaced contents of notice board
4. VISTA added to fruit box
5. DELPY added to storefront
6. 2 bollards added at bottom right
7. Section removed from hedge at bottom left
8. Overhead cables removed from top right
9. Street light removed from top right
10. Chimney added at top right
11. Brown square moved from left of tower to right of it
12. Diagonal pink painted section on left duplicated higher up
13. Right of tree now obscures part of building that originally obscured it
14. MERCANTILE > CANCANTILE on store front
15. Parts of wall with fruit tree on right have been swapped around
16. Awning in front of store extended to left
17. Topmost section of pink above storefront replaced with blue
18. Added V to front of tower, to left of “DELPY”
19. White door on far right removed
20. Broken roof to right of tower replaced by blue paint
You were on a roll, wow, great job Norman!!! I will in the future tell how many changes in the post. Thank you for mentioning that. Fine tuning..
1. V on bottom wheel
2. No Love on top
3. Brown square moved
4. Only one stripe on wall far left
5. Mercantile word changed
6. No power lines
7. No street light
8. No clouds far right
9. Tower thingy far left stripes are different
10. Green hedge covered in bottom, not on top
Yes!!! You got ten correct. Good job Carol! Thank you for playing them all! I really appreciate it.
There are definitely more than 10!
Above the wall – tree obscures building or does not – wheel thing has a V on it in lower version – clouds are different at top right-hane corner – there is or is not a lamp standard – wires descend or do not – there is or is not a V thing sticking up.
Wall on left – one purple stripe or two – brown square on different sides.
Building on left – three upper sections are different (is this one difference or three?) – LOVE goes missing – Brown roof diasappears – CANT TAN replaces text – V disappears on section below LOVE – gap in hedge – inverted V beams appear in section above gap in hedge.
That’s 15, and there are at least as many more! I’ll leave the rest for others to find!
I was smiling reading these. The building on the left is all one and yes there are three differences which you got correct. The V thingy lol yes I put a V on that pole thing. haaha. Thank you for playing you did it and some!
I spotted the street light, the LOVE and VISTA word, the CANT TAN and the Brown square transferred to the left side of the painted building.
Good ones and you are correct, thanks for playing!