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Silhouette Saturday is here!

Every Saturday why don’t you try your hand at creating and posting a silhouette? 

I found that silhouettes are quite easy. Here are some steps. 

These are all straight out of the camera with no editing. 


What do you think?

13 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


  1. I am preparing photos for Saturday post silhouette, and I think it is necessary to see what you have posted about the challenge. Apparently, my idea of getting a clearer picture of the challenge is indeed fulfilling expectations with your beautiful silhouette photos!

    • Thank you Queen. Me too. I remember the first silhouette I captured. I was trying to take pictures of my son and daughter in law at the beach with the sun behind them. I was upset because the subjects were black. Someone pointed out, hey those are great silhouettes. I was hooked.

    • Thanks so much Alibb. We live on a tiny hill. If that rise where the tree is wasnt there, or if I were higher on the hill, I would be able to see the ocean. Still, I get a few good miles of view.
