A few days ago I made a quiz of the not so fuzzy and warm wildlife in my area. Here is the quiz.
The object of the quiz was to find out what each photo was.
Here are the answers and originals for the quiz.
1. The first one was an original of a crawfish or crawdad. Anyone ever had crawfish etouffee? It’s super good.

2. I asked if these little guys were dangerous. You bet they are! Have you ever heard of the Schmidt Sting Index? The rate at number 3, the only stings more painful are the Bullet Ant and the Tarantula Hawk.
3. I asked what kind of ant they were.. The are Harvester Ants. I have been stung 5 times all at once. I wanted to go the hospital. They are bad, I couldn’t walk for two weeks, I got stung on my foot. The sting lasted 48 hours. 48 hours of the most intense pain I have ever felt, and I have had two kids..
4. The eggs sacs were in a plastic ball..

5. Two damselflies mating. I asked which was the female. Females are brown.

6. Was a cow ant, and it is not an ant. Ants have 8 legs, this only has six.

7. The back of this moth looked like a grumpy old man to me..
8. Was not dangerous.. It was a skipper butterfly.

9. We found a starfish with one leg missing. I asked what the cropped version was. No worries, they grow back.

10. I asked what was wrong with the image. It was missing a leg. Looks like one leg already grew back, see the length of the leg on the bottom left?

11. This crab was the tiniest one I have ever seen.
12. Was a starfish..

13. Was a Sea Anemone. I used to call them sea enemies when I was a kid.

14. Was an original of a pink caterpillar.
15. I showed this photo. The thing is, is the caterpillar from above and the one below is a the same one. The only difference is is that I took it off of my petunia, and put it on the cement patio. Before my eyes his color started to change to green. About a half an hour later he was mostly green. I tried looking this up and cannot find a color changing caterpillar. Most people probably got this question wrong.

16. My son was holding a big starfish.
17. I was holding a crab.

18. Was a spider’s butt. Below is the original of a orb weaver. It was huge!! I accidentally hit it with the water hose, see the drops?

19. A dragonfly landed on the dog’s collar.

20. Was a daddy long legs. They found evidence that these have been around for 400 million years in a fossil.

Haha that photo was really disturbing at first…
I was about to scream in fright, phew glad that they are just our little fellows
Just little ones, lol. I will do one again closer to Halloween.. 😀
Yes that will be a few more weeks from now. It is going to be soon.
Glad I viewed these in the morning, not before sleeping.
lol, I can see it now. Poor Ann, trapped in that huge blue ball, with worms, cow ants, and creepy spiders…
I am impervious to such thoughts in the daylight, rflol.
lol, that’s a good thing!
Great quiz! I learned alot even about cow ants lol.
Thank you Branka, who would name a bug an ant if it wasnt an ant right? lol
You are welcome Tas!!! My pleasure. : D
I don’t think any of them are creepy, but you’ve seen my work…
True Alex, I thought most of them were pretty and pretty cool.I could use those words to describe your work. Pretty, and pretty cool.
O happy living things! no tongue their beauty might declare
I know I should know who said that.. great quote though..
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Rime of the Ancient Mariner. If you love animals, that poem is for you. More pro-animal quotes than you can shake a stick at…
He prayeth best, who loveth best
All things both great and small;
For the dear God who loveth us,
He made and loveth all.
A very diverse collection and great photos
The dogs scare away all the real wildlife, but I managed to get these. lol Thank you so much.
Cool photos, the orb spider is a great shot. And so funny your comment on #7 and the old man. 🙂
Thank you Carol. That orb weaver was super impressive, so glad he stayed still!! About 7 it does look like a grizzled old man from the woods. lol
You are so funny, thanks for the smiles. 🙂
Really creepy Kim. I had to turn the lights on in my office.
Doc, you have fierce protectors.. It’s okay. haha.
Great quiz! I learned alot even about cow ants lol.
I always thought they were ants. I mean they are called ants. lol Thank you LaJenna!
Ok, the ball one looks much more creepy with the ball in the picture… don’t ask me why I’m sweeping my goosebumps now…
Oh my goodness Alibb, you should of seen me when I first picked it up. I was so glad there wasn’t a full grown spider in it. lol