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Insect On The Weeds Color Crazy Challenge.

I don’t know what the name and type of this insect or bug are. It’s just that I see it when I want to take a photo of the weeds for the #colorcrazy challenge started by Kim.

The wind that blows hard makes the weeds keep moving so it is very difficult to capture it.

From some of the pictures I’ve taken, this is the only one that seems a bit tolerable and may be worth showing to jazz up this challenge.

Feel free to join and click here for the guidelines Kim’s Color Crazy Challenge.


What do you think?

20 Points


  1. Ha! I can just imagine you in the weeds, on your knees, fighting for a break from the breeze. To snap a few pleasantries, of this “Assassin beetle”? and surrounding green amenities… When’s the iridescent or bio luminescent color challenge? Grin.
