
Love ItLove It

I'm going to make this Saturday's hiking trip a Sky Sunday Post!

I think this will work, you will see sky. A grey sky, and not featured really, but it is there. 

There is even a reflection of the grey sky in some. lol 

Anyway, this is our last hiking trip we just took the dogs on. For months it hasn’t rained. The small creeks all dried up, but this one was still barely running and was about an inch wide in some place. I mean barely running. 

The dogs had a blast, it was sprinkling rain on and off and was about 70 degrees tops! 

#1 See, there is a sky picture.

Looking up as I stand next to the base of a palm tree. The tree overhead is a Coastal Live Oak Tree. The tree under that dark Oak tree is a Maple Tree. You might be able to pick out the shape of the leaves. 

#3 Meika

There was a reason I was focused on that open canopy above me... I heard a noise. It was Meika, my wolfdog. 

#4 Followed by Luna, my Doberman Aussie Mix

She follows her sister.. Meika is a few years older than she is. Notice the palm tree base I mentioned above. It is on the right hand side here. In the next photo is the other side of that same tree, notice it is on the left. 

#5 Left hand side

Meika is behind the tree. That boulder is huge, it sure would look better with a dog posing on it. Hey, look at the bottom and top of the photo....SKY... 😉 

#6 Aha there we go!

That's better. Was I correct? Does it look better with a dog on it? 

#8 And down to the water’s edge…

Penny said remember her. She went too, and loved it! All five pounds of her. 

#9 The other side

The other side of the creek had a very tall bank and one boulder.. Meika loves to climb boulders. Can you see Luna? She does a better job of blending into these surroundings than Meika does. But you can't see Meika on the beach of desert, while Luna stands out. lol 

#10 She makes it up the bank and poses..

And half of the picture is sky! lol 

I hope you enjoyed this hike with the dogs as much as I did! I took a few artsy type photos of this hike and will post them later. 

Have a great Sunday and get out enjoy some nature! 


What do you think?

12 Points

Written by Kim_Johnson


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    • You must be talking about the Morton Bay Fig Trees? Those huge trees with all the cool looking roots that run along the ground? We do have Oak trees, several different kinds as well. These coastal live oaks live on all of our southern coastlines. You will sometimes see them in the pictures of the south with that hanging moss.

  1. LOL, the dogs always have fun!!
    Now you seems like the photography crew of theirs! :p

    I would imagine … perhaps both Meika and Luna thinks they’re of the same colour!
    I heard dogs seem themselves through others. LOL


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