January’s themes by the month post is missing. It has been replaced by Lado’s themes by the month post. This post is gone. Has anyone else experienced switched, mixed up or missing posts? I would like all of you to do a favor for me. Go to your recent posts, on your profile, and just check to see if any are missing. Am I the only one this happens to. This is not the first time either, but only the first time I have mentioned it in a post.
MIA means missing in action. I didn’t even know you could still pm the….authorities.. 😉
I think I will just let it go. Seems too much trouble to go through.
Yes, and from the moment Lado posted his, his replaced mine. Mine is nowhere to be found.
I can’t find the original post though.
Hmm… I don’t know why titles can be mixed up … hmm …
i have seen this issue frequently if there is a # in the beginning of the title.
how close was your title to Lado’s?
We just figured this out Doc. So, Lados post did not have a number 2.
it is a known database issue when posts have the same title.
put a # in front of song Saturday and when you open the post, you will get all of the songs in song Saturday with a # in front.
posts aren’t lost, just not easy for the DB to return the query.
Gothcyea. Well, that post wasn’t important really.
all posts are important!
but i get what you are saying.
I thought posts are usually query by UID?
they should be, but there appears to be a bug. search # and nothing else and see what you get!
Oh, and they had the exact same title. Sorry I forgot to answer that.
i figured that was what I was driving for.
So, either it is fixed already or that was just a fluke yesterday then.
highly likely, you can edit the lost post and change the title to resolve the issue as well.
I used the Image category. You cannot edit those. Plus I cannot pull up the original post.
In my profile under Posts. My picure shows up, you click on it and Lados is there in my profile.
that is interesting, did you share the post when you published it (facebook, twitter, pinterest)?
No doc, I didn’t share it. Thanks for looking into this though.
Tasartcraft just noticed they do not have the same title. I put quotes in he did not.
depends sadly on if the DB strips special characters in building an entry.
Sorry, the mixup has happened and don’t know what can be done to undo it.
It’s up to the admins at this point Sandra. Thank you, hopefully they will fix it.
I have not checked. I will go there.
Hopefully all is well with yours!
Thanks for the reminder. I’ll check
Hopefully all of your posts are there Vidocka!
Oh my this is not good. So far all of mine are there. That is so strange. On my last shadow post, I always include a link to your challenges, and it goes straight to Lado’s post. Weird!!!
This is the link I used a few days ago from your post….
There is no way of reaching my previous post. All links and all the ways you can find a post, does not work. It is completely replaced by Lados.
Yes you do. I just clicked on it after mine disappeared. I was trying to repost it as an edit. That’s when I noticed it was truly gone.
Very strange due to the title being similar I guess.
The admins kind of fixed it, they fixed the problem and it should no longer happen. Sadly my post is gone. It’s okay though.
This is so strange! I haven’t seen this before, but I have seen profile pictures being replaced by other users’pictures. Hopefully an admin will fix it.
It seems that the reason is because both of the posts have the same title. Usually, in such cases in the url a number appears automatically after the title, but for some reason it didn’t happen this time.
Here’s an example in case I wasn’t able to explain it well:
It seems that the reason is because both of the posts have the same title. Usually, in such cases in the url a number appears automatically after the title, but for some reason it didn’t happen this time.
I guess they are the same, exactly. That could be a reason. Thanks Ellie.
I hope they fix it! We should be more creative with the titles just in case.
On second look they were not the same. I had quotes he did not. So I guess its not fixed. But by now the admins know of the problem.
I am sorry for thw duplicate comment, the one with the links waited for moderation for a few days ?
That has happened to me as well. Its been a few months back.
Many posts to me, dear Kim … I don’t know where they disappeared … it would be weird if everything worked out the way it should
Odd right? Hopefully this bug will be fixed. Thanks for looking Lado.
No problem so we’re here to help, dear Kim
Mine are there. I noticed some users posts are missing by the look at the published dates. It might be a technical problem that needs to be solved.
Good to hear that everything is still in place Intro! I believe it is a technical problem.
So sorry this has happened to you dear friend. I will be having eye surgery Monday so then I will hopefully pass your quizzes lol.
Wacky Virily… Good to hear on the surgery. Monday!!! I am so excited for you!