five elements work
compound became you and me
will turn as before.Our self, some part of the whole is earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Part of that whole is our body, which has been formed the universe.
These elements have correlations or relationships with different emotions, temperaments, goals, colors, tastes, body shapes, diseases, thinking styles, and characters.
From these five elements comes the five senses and five areas of sensual experience, negative and positive emotions, wisdom, the five primary prana or five vital energies. They are the essential elements of every physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual phenomenon.
In the end, these five elements will be detached from us and leave the rest. The remaining part is, in fact, are the main part and the whole essence that fills everything, One from the Oneness. Truth entirely stays within the substance. Then what and who we really are?
Five is the number of fingers and toes that we have, and it is also the number of breaths in a second, when you are panting and running for life.
The five elements also connect to the five planes of existence, of which four are in the inner worlds.
Five is nothing but itself in itself, and it is also representative of the five planes leading up to, and including the soul plane, the physical, the emotional or astral, the mental, the etheric, or intuitional, and the soul, or higher-self plane too.
five fingers to life,
representations of God.
His hand is on mine
five fingers to life,
representations of God.
His hand aligns mine
Ha! I love to have traveling companions on this path! thanks.
No worries! It certainly prevents loneliness…lol…
Hmmm… Although in fact we are never alone, but knowing the identity of a “companion” on the path is so joyful too. lol
Yes, we are all in this together, and yet at the same time, we are complete individuals too.
God is a oneness of himself only then, but at the same time he is infinite in his individualised scope, and so he can befriend himself.
Is he alone when he does this still though?
We are alone and together then at the same time, I think, like God is.
Yep! That’s how the unique game is played so beautifully!
Well! Had I known there’d be a test. Glad I brought my brain. Wait I’ve got it. Water.
Hahaha… The freshness of the water you sprayed on me has never failed to please me!
I carry towels just in case. Great grins, good brother!
Unfortunately, I did not bring soap in addition to shaving cream!
I certainly could spare some Phosphates and liver oil for you! Makes faces smooth and healthy for you too!
It’s a good natural ingredient! I can be the most beautiful bird in the world!
Yes but, the aroma…mmm! Ha!
Everyone knows that I am stupid and don’t know anything. I eat and use whatever is offered to me, so, as long as useful, the smell is not a problem, as is the bitterness of the dukun’s herbs.
Wow Albert…an amazing subject. You got me thinking, deep thinking. Thank you for sharing this subject in such an articulate manner
Thanks for paying attention and appreciation for this post, Bradley.
Very interesting post …. I already forgot a bit about what these 5 elements mean ?
Thanks, Vidocka. Have I managed to be a little refreshing about this?
You have topped yourself. This is an A+ for sure. I love it!
Wuaw !!! Great compliment from the teacher! Hopefully the other students are not jealous! Thank you, my teacher!
I could not have said it any better than you Albert and our friend Elenka!
As long as your 5 elements are aligned, I’ve been very happy, Carol!
I will keep checking but they seem ok for now!
If you feel comfortable and totally peace means you are okay. I’m happy for that!
Thank you my dear friend Albert.
The five elements – in harmony. Earth and water form the body structure, shape, stability, and vitality. Fire is responsible for bodily and mental energy, for metabolism, for intelligence and for will. Air and ether influence the subtle structures and are responsible for physical and mental movements and subtle sensations.
Your five elements – in harmony have made clear and wise comments, Thanks!