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Haiku Poetry 10 Day Challenge #8: Manusia

The wrap is layered

when all the patches are off

enlightenment shines.

Our consciousness is layered and the mind sticks to all those layers. The mind has no beginning but has an end. The end of the mind is enlightenment. The enlightenment that will continue. It has a beginning but no end. Together they cover the whole of eternity, from the past to the future.

Humans in Indonesian are called “manusia” from Sanskrit. There are very few people know that the word comes from a combination of two words; Manu/Manas and Isha. Manas means Mind or thinking and can also mean every layer while Isha means ruler or who covered. It can mean that man is the Divine who is covered by the mind, at least that means the Divine Consciousness which hidden behind the mind.

Peel an onion, layer by layer until the last, what’s left? Sunyata, everything is empty or void. This void is the transcendent unity or the unity of being or form in everything, the Dark Light situated above the light. It is an aspect of Divinity that is both above and at once in the creative aspect of the Divine.


What do you think?

17 Points


  1. Love the onion analogy! An elusive topic for certain and I’d expect no less. Much can be sad, and has, of this layered mind we seek to adhere to in our journeys, yet ultimately, outgrow, provided we have the discipline to pursue enlightenment. Brilliant my brother.

    • Thanks a lot, LaJenna. I just don’t know where the door is located so I cannot close it or keep the words flowing that does not care whether someone is listening or not. Hehehe… What if all the redirects always go back to the same upstream?

  2. Amazing, as I was reading I thought of an onion and its many layers, then there it was. You talked about the onion. We are on the same page. Great words of wisdom here.
