
Love ItLove It

Dancing Leaves Challenge

You want to know how the leaves look when they fall from the trees? The lazy way they meander on their way down, desperately trying to prolong their suicidal flight, to postpone that inevitable moment when they must hit the ground…

Yet how they must savor that excruciating sensation of free fall – Why else would they don those brilliant kamikaze colors? Have you never heard the way leaves sigh in ecstasy when the wind picks them up to fly once more in the lead-hued sky?


What do you think?

15 Points


  1. At night and during a storm, the sigh of the leaves is not something I want to hear lol it has eerie quality in it — on a summer day, however, with gentle breeze, it is comforting

        • I think one of the best traits of humanity is the ability to be an individual or a member of a group. These are two radically different modes of thinking, if only we could use them wisely it could be a great benefit to the species…

          • Thinking and believing that we are individuals put us in that defensive mode of survival hence most of our lives we live in fear of the “others”. All people are one so when we choose to hurt another human being it will just come back to us as life is an echo —it goes round and round. If we live like a community looking after each other and interdependently then maybe we would not be in deep sh*t as we are today. But, well, I am a dreamer and I like the dream painted by John Lennon in his “Imagine” song. Lol!
