What makes me happy? Sharing my walks! Finding interesting things to take photos of, the dogs, and family..
Here are some photos I snapped this last few days. I will explain them as I go..
I took a lot of flower photos that I thought I would save and share after this post. For now, there are these….
The one I used for the cover, the broken piece of tile.. #149

#150 Luna, my doberman aussie puppy.

#151 The big old tree on the hill.

#152. The abandoned park..

Now I am caught up on the 365 photos…
This makes me happy, seeing the dogs have so much fun running and chasing those pesky wabbits, and well… just being dogs!

Meika my wolfdog.

The mustard sure is blooming!!

The cut all the trees down in this old park last year. I thought theyre would be a shopping mall or parking garage here by now..

Luna had to check out why I was taking pictures of that tree. lol

This wind mill or turbine was next door..

I hope you enjoyed these photos, and our walk. Have a great day!
I hope you cleaned your shoes before yous went back inside! (not sure where the Jersey accent came from…
No, I didnt step on them doc! There was little paths through the flowers! And that would be Jousey… grins..
fogedda about it 😉 Glad you stayed on the paths. I could imagine 10 sets of muddy feet tracking across the floor. Wait, sorry that was 12 and it was my floor yesterday!
Luna is all “Why is mom into this tree?”
That’s exactly what she was doing. lol I’m just glad I still had the camera out!
Nothing special about this tree, and I should know- I sniff every tree I pass!
It seems like happiness for you and your dogs…
and me!!
Love the old tree on the hill photo, very nice blue sky!! 🙂
Dog with cut down tree trunk is nice too!!
Indeed! That old tree is great, its huge, and has a broken limb that has been just hanging by a thread, for years now. Luna is just fun to shoot. She is much easier with her black fur, than Meika with her white.
Ah… they sounds like they’ll look great together in a photo!!
LOL imagine the contrast!!
I need to do that, I don’t have one!
Nice post! Nice pictures!
Nice to see you Georgi, thanks a bunch!
Great moments of happiness Kim. I could go on and on about happiness.
Loved all of your photos.
Thank you Carol. This theme will be easy for us all. We post what makes us happy don’t we!
Indeed we do, thankfully I have many things.