Hello members of the Virily community! Are you having fun hanging out here? I certainly do. It is so nice to interact with you all. Exchanging some useful information and comments with everyone makes this place so friendly. And the best part is that you can make money too. But, let’s be honest that money does not come like that. You need to put effort. Considering the time I have passed here, I need to share some useful tips that will help you become successful on Virily. Read on and find out more!
Take it serious
If you want to be successful, then take it serious. Virily is not Facebook or Instagram, where you can randomly share stuff. Invest some of your time and effort to create the best content that will bring you money. Remember that it will take some time to do it , but it is definitely worth it.

Quality, rather than quantity
Creating the best content is your key to success. You should create something interesting, fun and helpful. Go for something that will provoke interest in people. Make high quality content that people will love to read. While doing that, pay attention to the pictures. Sorry, but blurry images won’t take you anywhere. Use the best images you can get. Readers would normally skip posts that appear boring to them. So, tend to create fun articles that are worth sharing.

Respect the rules
It will be a lot easier for you if you respect all the rules. The site clearly states the rules that you must follow if you want your post to be approved. As you have noticed, the posts await for moderation after submitting. If your post is not satisfying the requirements, it will be returned so you can edit it. You will have to go to your drafts folder and correct your post. And that will take you lot of time. Once I forgot to include the sources for the images. I got a message saying that I have to put them in the post. Because there were many photos, it took a while to find each source. So, the first thing that I would advice you is that you must obey the rules, if you don’t want to loose precious time.

Another important rule is to keep your content unique. If you want to earn money on Virily, then your content should not be posted elsewhere. Even if you have your own blog, you must not copy your content from there. You will save lots of time if you don’t return to correct posts.
Spread the word
Are you wondering why some may get more views than you? The more people see your post, the better. Always share your work with the world, choosing your proper channels. Share your content on the social media so everyone can see your work.

I hope that these tips were helpful! What do you think?
Thank you so much for this post
Very helpful tips and advice!! Thank you so much for this post 🙂
Thank you for clarifying these, I reached this from following the like after following your Facebook page.
Thank you for these tips
Thank for these useful tips.
Helpful information!
wow great
thank !!
Thank you for sharing, it is very useful on a newbies like me, good job
Thanks for these tips. However, isn’t there something of a contradiction in your urging folks to “keep content unique” and then encouraging us to use other people’s photos? Incidentally, simply adding a credit to the owner of the photo does not automatically give you the right to copy other people’s photos. When using others’ photos you should always check the usage rights to avoid breaching the owner’s copyright (and probably breaking the law), like this: https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/19554481_10212717748646024_5561294771716731440_n.jpg?oh=f3b378d52fc380394a7167b0c69e5978&oe=59C9227D
Very well said Norman and I have also wondered about this issue as well. It could potentially be a huge problem.
Thank you, Carol. I am a little disappointed Kristina hasn’t seen fit to respond and address this issue.
Thank you, this is really good for me cause I’m new here.
You are new? Welcome to Virily Gina! Hahahahah 🙂
Hahahahahaha hahahahaa You’re so funny!
Thank you for giving the tips!
Thanks for the crucial tips Kristina… 🙂
Thanks for the information
Thanks for the i formation
Thank you very much for everything, happy afternoon
This is helpful! 🙂
Helpful Information. Thx
A lot of common sense stuff in this article. 🙂 Hopefully people will read.