It is fact that with age, brain cells begin to decrease, and the person loses and causes other diseases. Then, in the case of Alzheimer, Dementia and Parkinson, these diseases cause more disaster, but scientists insist that green leaf vegetables can cope with this loss.
In this case, University of Chicago specialists have done a study called ‘Memorandum and aging Program’. In this series of many years, 960 people were added and their lifestyle and diet were considered. The participants were distributed half cup cups, half cup spinach and other important vegetable leaves.
The study participants were between 58 to 99 years, and this study continued for five years, in which many participants were questioned.
Experts noted that eating green leaf vegetables not only reduced mental and mental disorders, but their mind was reduced from aging for 11 years.
According to experts, folate, lutein are found in these vegetables, which are very important for mental functions such as memory and better understanding. Experts have emphasized that people over 40 years of age increase green leaf vegetables in their diet.
These include spinach, salads, nail and other vegetables. In these vegetables Beta carotene, Kaempferol and alpha tocopherol protect brain and remove distressing mental disorders in the growth rate.
When I was growing up I used to hear old folks always talking about brain food. When I grew up I’m like “Brain food is real?” LOL.
Yes, that’s also the part of the memories
Yes, all of the grandmothers were right when they told us to eat our veggies.
Yes, they have great experience of their time when even science was not advance
good, informative post.
Thank for compliment – Stay in touch
It isn’t just green veggies, either. For example, both tomatoes and carrots are high in beta-carotene. I’m of the opinion that a big part of the problem is that so many people purposely eat unbalanced diets and don’t eat foods from all food groups.
Yes it include all kind of green Leafy vegetable.
Yes, and red/purple vegetables such as eggplant enhance brain function as well as supporting nerve endings.
That’s great you added some extra knowledge. Thank you for comments
This is good to know as I like all of these greens.
that’s great , Good to know
Such important information here! I try to eat a lot of green leafy vegetables daily. Good to know how it could help the aging process slow down.
Yes , It help when a man practice these tips in daily routine.