

After weeks of being manic, I feel myself slipping into depression. I am quickly losing interest in everything. I have been here before, sometimes for long periods of time. I have to force myself to do anything. Like get out of bed. Everything seems pointless. I just feel “blah”.

I have schizoaffective disorder, bipolar type. That means I am both schizophrenic and bipolar. I can go from manic to depression very quickly. It is unfair, as there is often no in between periods when I am just normal. It always seems like one or the other.

My only way to deal with the depression is to make goals. To have plenty of things to do planned out, and to keep me busy. To make a schedule and stick to it. To have a certain number of posts and articles to write every day. Scheduling in a certain amount of time to paint every day. To do things whether or not I feel like doing them. Otherwise, I will sleep way more than I should and not really do anything.

I just have to set my alarm to get up in the morning, follow my schedule and keep busy. Otherwise I am stuck in a rut. I can at least be productive. I know this will pass, it always does. I just have to take it one day at a time, and wait until it passes.


What do you think?

Written by riverwild


  1. Depression has no single reason, it comes about because of a blend of things. You may have no clue why Depression has struck you. Whatever its motivation, sorrow is not only a perspective. It is identified with physical changes in the cerebrum and associated with an unevenness of a kind of synthetic that conveys motions in your mind and nerves. One should consult some Professional like Voyance Direct at to solve their problems by being anywhere. Depression should be cured as soon as possible because it can have adverse effects if not cured.
