I have always enjoyed the recursive nature of the matryoshka; they will always represent nested subroutines to me but most folks will equate them with motherhood (as well they should) so I have selected them to showcase my Mother’s Day post
Please disregard all my technical mumbo-jumbo and accept my mother’s day wishes
#1 Gathering of Matryoshkas
If you stop and think about it, the matryoshka makes two opposing statements- on one hand it empowers the individual (within each of us, a nation) but on at the same time, it trivializes the individual by relegating them to a hierarchy
In one sense, all dolls do this implicitly but only the matryoshka does this explicitly, which makes their message both unique and strong. Also, the nesting action is just so damn cool
#2 Gossiping Matryoshkas
This render was actually a seam test; only meant to determine if there were any noticeable seams in my texture. However, the finished version looked like the other two dolls were gossiping about the first doll, who looks apprehensive about it all
This was completely unintentional, but I loved the catty feeling so much that I did a full sized render
Nice work, I like this kinds of dolls.
Matryoshka and kokeshi are my favorite dolls
Very interesting perspecrive and gorgeous works!
I tend to relate to things in obscure ways, which often yields a unique perspective that I can apply to my work
Interesting philosophical viewpoint, and lovely photo.