since my watercolors were getting such a warm reception, I was going to do some more but then ended up going with loose oils, extra turpentine. these are three distinct styles but that having been said, at this resolution even I am having a tough time telling the difference…
freebooter – WIP
Alex Ledante
17 Votes
ecchifanservicefantasyfreebooterpinuppiraterough sketchsexytraditionalWIP
almost every post I made as a ranked list has this issue, but since I’ve migrated to classic lists it hasn’t happened once…
Many of the photos in my lists are missing, and I suppose I have some missing from stories too. But you know the drama with the edited posts.
i couldn’t easily choose they are all awesome.
I wouldn’t want to meet this young lady in a dark alley. I suspect I would exit sans wallet.
Looks fine to me… Go ahead!
can you tell the difference?
Looks good to me…Great
glad to hear you like it