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Top 10 of the most intelligent animals in the world

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For millennia, all authorities – from religion to prominent scientists – repeat the same thing: that people are extraordinary in nature and that they are the smartest beings. Science, however, proves to us that animals have abilities similar to human beings.

Here is the list of the 10 most intelligent animals in the world:

1. The dolphin – he is very social, lends himself easily to learning, can make decisions and learns from his previous experience.

2. Chimpanzee – it is recognized in a mirror, able to make tools and use them, and lends itself to learning

3. Kit – he can find his loved ones, from whom he shares thousands of miles and builds very strong friendships.

4. The Elephant – he is a good circus artist because he can learn, can be recognized in the mirror and imitate sounds.

5. Raven – he is very creative – often when he is hungry, throwing walnuts on the street and waiting for cars to break them to eat them. He can also learn and speak.

6. Parrot – he can reproduce human speech and answer simple questions. The Gray African parrot is the most telling species.

8 – 7. The cat and the dog – the judgment in this case is very difficult.

9. Pig – Despite the spread of opinion, it is a pure, sensitive and social animal that is easier to learn than a dog.

10. The squirrel – she recognizes different shrubs and trees and remembers where she buried the nuts.

© Elenka Smilenova 2018 – All Rights Reserved


What do you think?

22 Points

Written by lacho59


  1. Animals have more sense than humans do about a lot that WE SHOULD have
    sense to know, like how to take care of our kids, how to survive in the wild, how
    to love one another & train those in the wrong I could have a list a miler long.

    GOOD job, we could learn a lot from animals if we wanted to.

  2. I agree with the fact that dolphins, elephants and chimpanzees are not that far from human intelligence and ingenuity. As for cats and dogs, I believe that dogs are slightly better than cats especially the border collie who is voted and considered the most intelligent breed of dogs.