What’s up ya’ll? how you doing? hope all is good & strong cause what I’m bringing you is a special video that tells those that has a fear of pit bulls it’s not the dog’s fault that most pit bulls falls in the wrong hands & it’s the people that think they know how to raise a pit bull well SOME do & MOST don’t, I’ll put it that way, these dogs CAN BE
Very rewarding dogs IF their in the right hands to be a justice to the family, I’ve had my share of pit bulls in my life time as a matter of fact I have one named Coke & hehe a very smart dog, I myself think if I had my choice over what dog for a family dog I’d go with the pit bull BUT this is where MOST disagree cause of the bad rap they have.
Pit bulls can be a gentle loving caring protective dog all rolled up in one IF trained right. Then on the other hand they can be a dog that has been treated bad & has issues with socialization which is NOT A good thing let me tell you, THEM dogs can be VERY bad so many times a pit protecting his family get’s killed for DOING his job it’s not right.
But I promise you this that once you watch this loving pit bull from start to finish you’ll wish you had a dog like this cause this is what you CAN get if you treat them right &show the love they deserve to have & never treat them bad habits & abuse them.
I admire your determination to train your pitbull on how to behave and tame as a wise as a human being.
I have owned plenty of pit bulls to know just how dangerous
they can be & if you don’t train them right they can kill you.
I’ve never owned a pit bull, but I’ve been around a number of them. I’ve never had trouble with pit bulls and one of those I knew was a royal goof-ball, constantly doing silly things.
I’ve owned plenty in my life time & the one I have now he’s one that
has a mind of his own & strong as a ox & he hates it when I pick up
a broom, mop, rake, hoe, it don’t matter to him he goes nuts over it
barks & runs all over the place but that’s my fault cause I trained him
to be that way so no one would hurt him IF he happen to get lose.
Which he has (1) time so far & it JUST so happen there was someone
outside & I seen HE had a stick trying to keep him away from him which
AGAIN that’s why I trained him the way I did just CAUSE of this reason
the person was NEVER attacked & my dog was never hurt with the stick.