Did you know that different species of dragonflies will gather in 100’s for feeding or migration.Dragonflies were some of the first winged insects to evolve million years ago.There are 1000’s species of dragonflies and some are the most beautiful with there colors.
Dragonflies can fly straight up and down and even hover. Isn’t that amazing. I love dragonflies there colors the way they look. I remember the first time I ever seen one was when i was young and with my dad out fishing .
I was just amazed by the way the looked and how big they can get. I still see some once in a while where I live even tho it is in the city .
Great macro! I love it! Thank you
I had no idea the details of a dragonfly
I like the picture of the damselfly (bottom picture). That is a tidbit, too. Dragonflies and damselflies are easy to tell apart if they are at rest. Damselflies rest with the wings together above the back. Dragonflies rest with the wings spread out horizontally, like in the top picture.
oh wow res i didnt know that thank you for pointing that out your amazing